View Full Version : new here please help ! forgetting , lack of concentration or dementia?

11-07-15, 19:04
hi ! i'm new here, hope a post this in the right place

i got diagnosed with anxiety a year ago, i don't take any meds now, just trying to make it work day by day.my anxiety episodes start when i realise that i get confused about somethings, like i know it's the 11th today, but in 10 minutes , trying to make an appointment, i have to count the days to make sure i write correctly...is it the pressure of getting things right or just lack of concentration or...
i feel these incidents happen when i am calm and got it all together, not stressed...
the other day, my husband said grandma was leaving town for the day. later on, i asked where she was, my husband reminded me she left.... i remembered him telling me, but why did i ask about her if i knew the answer? i cannot seem to acces information when i need it ! does that happen to anyone else?could it be dementia or something? it's not about forgetting thing that much, but not realising my mistakes in time ! please answer ! thank you

11-07-15, 19:25
Hi there, oh gosh I was talking to a friend about this just the other day, we were both saying how forgetful we are becoming! We're both 45 and were wondering if it was the perimenopause or just busy lives with children and lots to think about.

I wouldn't think it was dementia or anything serious, I'm not worried about it as I come from a scatty family :)

Please try not to worry, but if it does get worse maybe go to your gp to rule anything out x

11-07-15, 19:30
Oh god yeh, I'm like that.

Anyone saying "right, remember the thing and the things you have to do before the thing in two weeks". And I'll be like "are you serious, I'll have forgotten this conversation tomorrow. Tell me the day before the thing in two weeks".

Permanently distracted, introspective, too much other stuff to think about. So much other stuff just doesn't register. I use calendar reminders on my iPhone. "Here, remember this so I don't have to" :)

11-07-15, 19:38
Haha Dave that made me laugh :)

11-07-15, 19:48
thank you so much for replying, it's no that i forget, but ca can't seem to connect to reality.i found something in the sock drawer, i don't remember putting it there, never have put it there before, it does not belong there.so i can't help but wonder why did i not realise it does not belong there the minute i put it in there??
don't you get sidetracked at times ? i feel confused a lot, i wonder if my anxiety does that even when i feel at ease with everything...

11-07-15, 20:19
I think you just go into your own little world sometimes, I have put things in the bin by mistake, coffee in the fridge etc, not on a regular basis but when I'm not focussing on what I'm doing I sometimes get it wrong. Don't try to be too perfect, it's nice to be quirky! :)

11-07-15, 20:36
thanks for the reassurence, i am terrified at the thought of losing my mind everytime i feel sluggish ! i feel i'm the only one who would get the date wrong,even though i knew it an hour ago !:confused: thinking back, i begin to remember (yeah i know, remember ) a lot of small cognitive mistakes, that maybe a lot of you experienced at one point, but i feel i'm going crazy, feeling so alone in this.hope this is a new beginning !