View Full Version : on the pancreatic cancer web-site

11-07-15, 19:34
I was on the pancreatic cancer web-site because I feel, actually I genuinely believe that I have PC. I have a dull constant ache right side high abdo with dull aching pain high right back, along with navel pain. Pain is worse when laying down. Stools are sticky (sorry), chills I am not jaundiced, I am itchy occasionally for days. I haven't had a decent night sleep in months.

I stay at my partners place because I feel safe and I seem to have less panic attacks when I am with him or his space but he is going away fairly soon for a month. My mother, God bless her doesn't know about symptoms and she really could not handle any trouble. She really is a run and hide or I don't want to talk about kind of person.

My results come back for my CT scan this week for the pain. My neighbour died of pancreatic cancer. Diagnosed in September, died in February. He was a lovely man. Another old friend went to the GP about leg pains went for tests diagnosed pancreatic and liver cancer died six weeks later.

The fear and the pain is overwhelming and taking over my life. I am also having other symptoms relating to another problem. The real fight and I hasn't started and feel so exhausted.

11-07-15, 19:45
It really sounds like the fear of pc is manifesting itself with symptoms. I don't want to belittle your symptoms, but everything you describe can be attributed to anxiety - which you know you have.

Anxiety is in itself exhausting.

11-07-15, 19:56
I know anxiety can mimic illnesses. I didn't look for the symptoms to match the illness. Even the consultant said I should have a CT for the pancreas.

I know you are not belittling my symptoms, thank you for that. They are real. I couldn't do this mind mess up to myself. I love my family and to a certain extent my life.

11-07-15, 19:57
By the sounds of it the fact that you know people with PC has manifested your thoughts thinking you have it. I actually have had some similar symptoms for the last few months and have been worried about this for months as well. I think PC is a common fear for those of us with HA because of all the bad things we read about it. I also notice when I'm around those who I'm close to that I'll feel better but I much like you still doubt how all of my symptoms could be anxiety related.I also love my love and especially love the things I've accomplished in the last few years. I was not depressed and my HA didn't really start until symptoms started appearing.

11-07-15, 20:26
Please do not visit the cancer or other disease websites and I truly hope you're not posting on them. You're feeding your fears and quite frankly, it's disrespectful to the people who are actually suffering from the disease to involve them with your fears.

Positive thoughts

11-07-15, 20:42
I truly wouldn't post on the websites.

Gary A
11-07-15, 21:51
I truly wouldn't post on the websites.

That's all well and good, but by going on these sites you are subconsciously lining yourself up with the victims of this awful illness. You are essentially making yourself believe you have pancreatic cancer by empathising with the people on these sites. I can't emphasise this enough, you are telling yourself that you have pancreatic cancer, and trust me, when your mind truly believes you're suffering from a particular illness, your body will respond by giving you symptoms and sendations associated with that disease.

Stop going on these sites, you really are hurting yourself by doing so.

11-07-15, 21:59
Gary's right. You're feeding right into your HA by going on these sites.

You gave Beckie some excellent advice for her HA. You have to at least consider the advice given to you on here. Not posting doesn't mean not absorbing the info contained on the websites...

03-08-15, 09:11
An update - my scan came out clear. But the gastro/hep'ologist is concerned about my symptoms and has decided for me to have a colonoscopy too.

I am still in pain and I still have the other symptoms. The panic begins again BUT and a big BUT I am glad the scan was clear.

04-08-15, 19:43
im terrified i have PC to ...im in bits , iv had for many months , flu like symptoms , and a rash on my tummy , tons of blood tests done all normal ,
last FBC done and liver , kidney , inflamitory markers all normal ...but im still so worried i have it ...
my doctor isnt concerned only for my health anxiety and puts all the symptoms to that ....but can that be it ????

iv reffured myself privley for a tummy ultra sound scn of all the organs , pancrias etc ..awaiting for that , iv also ssen a gastro guy and seeing him next week for results of a poo sample for inflamitorys , i didnt mention the PC fear when i saw him 4 weeks ago as i want scared about that ...i was thinking BC ...but then a friend mentioned PC and i googled and now im utterly convinced thats what i have ....
im 43 and had health anxiety for some time but has got so bad this year ..
any kind words .....welcomed as i feel very alone and scared

05-08-15, 09:36
Make a top ten list of the illnesses that HA sufferers are most convinced they have and pancreatic cancer would be right up there. If you had pancreatic cancer your bilirubin would be sky high. My gastro guy told me that.

Why anyone would sit and read cancer forums when they don't have cancer is beyond me. Why anyone with health anxiety would sit and read them is even more incomprehensible to me. It's morbid.