View Full Version : Can't stop worrying im seriously ill :-(

11-07-15, 20:34
Hi ive suffered from health anxiety for a long time but only really realised how bad it was a couple of years ago when I literally convinced myself I had a brain tumour.
It's back with avengengence but this time it's cancer all over :-( it's so silly and I feel so stupid but it started off with bowel problems and then I bled after sex ( I have the mirena coil) and it's not happend for a month now- I had a ultra sound yesterday and the radiographer said everything was fine- I left happy but then found myself second questioning Her- is she lying?! Why do I have to go back to doctors in 7-10days if everything is fine?!
I feel so helpless and selfish And it's really getting me down.

12-07-15, 21:58
You have to go back to the doctors for the doctor to tell you you're fine.

With an ultrasound, they can actually look inside of you and see if you have any problems. The radiographer is just there to operate the machinery, but a radiographer with experience knows what healthy insides look like, and if she tells you everything was fine, it most likely is. The doctor still has to look at it and talk to you though, but I bet when you go back to the doctor you'll be told it's fine again.

12-07-15, 22:20
hello. I can relate to your worries. I also have thought I had a brain tumour and even aneurysm. I also have bowel problems. That I'm very scared about. And even though I'm told I'm too young for colon cancer (15 years old) I still think I have it. I went to the doctors also about it. The guy just felt my stomach and said nothing was wrong with me. I second guessed him because I felt he didn't do enough. But your doctor did something like more advanced testing and you turned out Okay.. I would trust your doctor and not worry if she Did those test and found nothing.. But your not alone on this. And it makes me glad that many people on here have the same problems here. Your not alone remember that.

14-07-15, 23:33
Hi thanks for your replies. I went to the doctor to discuss my results and turns out my insides are perfectly healthy, after me spending about a month worrying every single day about every possible cancer!! It just goes to show what anxiety actually does to you and how it tries to manipulate the truth! I'm trying my best now to stay focused and stop worrying about silly things! As for you my friend- you havnt got colon cancer, I have ive through constant worrying- you may think your ok but your anxiety does a lot to you system and causes your bowels to do all sorts of things. Please just try and remember that :)

---------- Post added at 23:33 ---------- Previous post was at 23:33 ----------


15-07-15, 04:31
Your welcome! Its good your healthy. I'm going supposed to to be going to my doctor in 15 days. I'll find out if I have nothing wrong ibs , ibd, or Colon cancer from a possible colonoscopy. God I'm scared D: my bowel movements have had blood. sometimes mucous and look straight up weird. It sucks so much.

15-07-15, 09:16
Well I highly doubt you have colon cancer as its so so rare in anyone under 50. I too have had lots of mucus in my stool but that's a common symptom of ibs. And this sounds gross but are you sure it's not something you've eating causing your poo too look like it has blood in it?! Or if you've been straining that could be why. I had a similar prob when I was around your age and there was a lot of blood and I have really bad constipation, that turned out to be nothing. Please don't worry I promise your going to be finex