View Full Version : Always worrying

11-07-15, 23:38
Hi, I'm always worrying about silly things... I lay in bed and think the worse is going to happen like something happening to my partner or family. I worry I
About my health, and mostly death. I don't know how to over come these worries... I hate them and they make me want to cry. I always think about the past and ages:/ I think it's an obsession. Any ideas how to stop this or take my mind of it.

12-07-15, 08:29
Hi louisa,

I used to have really bad anxiety and panic. I still worry a bit but nowhere near as much. I can totally relate to your feelings. What I find helpful when going through a hard patch is living for now. I mean really none of us know for sure when our time is up!

Get that fancy haircut, do something fun with friends, join a group or club, book a holiday. Whatever you do don't take to your bed or stop working... Imo it makes me feel worse. Exercise, cut out caffeine, watch comedies, read easy reading books.

I also have practiced mindfulness which is useful when I feel the anxiety rising.

Hope you feel better soon


12-07-15, 21:35
I was the same use to worry about my sonand then went to my mum and then to other people and things that i would stay up all night then sleep in the day

17-07-15, 23:20
Thank you for replying guys, it's really horrible :( it's worse at night when I'm not busy... Always think something bad is gonna happen. I'm glad you feel better spacebunny and Nicola I'm here if you wanna talk xx