View Full Version : When will I feel normal?!

12-07-15, 03:18
Today is exactly 30 days I've been on Zoloft .. Prior to that I was in Prozac for 3 weeks. I still feel anxious all the time and I'm having more panic attacks the last month then I had before the meds:( I started taking atenolol months ago to help with my adrenaline and it does slow my heart down but it seems now my symptoms just manifested somewhere else!Now when I get the attacks my hands and lips go numb. It's so frustrating, honestly tho I would rather suffer thru the day having two panic attacks then having this general anxiety feeling that is 24/7 ... I just want to be able to function better! Sorry for the lengthy post but I'm at my wits end!!!

12-07-15, 03:30
I found that it takes 5 - 6 weeks to get better on Zoloft.
Before then it's not good as you've found.
Try to stick it out for a couple more weeks.
What dose are you on?

12-07-15, 04:40
Thanks so much for responding! That gives me hope:) I'm on 50 milligrams.. Do you think after 6 weeks that I should consider asking my dr to up the dose?

12-07-15, 04:55
I think the dosage is a personal thing
I'm still on 50mg