View Full Version : Lack of energy

12-07-15, 11:24
even writing this feels taxing, had to rest my arms somewhere as they were top weak to keep up and type. I've been having terrible anxiety lately and having Terrible sleep. I wake up feeling ill in the middle of the night and gasping for air. Right now I feel so weak and not even like just tired I physically cannot do anything even just sitting down I can feel my whole body heavy and my eyes wanting to close which is scary as I have things to do. I feel like I'm going to just pass out. Even my heart and lungs feel tired and slow. Standing one feet made me feel so like I would pass out and my face went tingly. This is scary.

---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 ----------

And getting the odd palpitation

12-07-15, 23:57
Hey you are not alone, I have this too!! It feels like I am going to pass out as I just can't keep my eyes open and that's scary... I don't know about you but for most days 5 out of 7 I have to sleep during day and there are some days where I just haven't got the strength to do much at all, even caffeine doesn't give that buzz.. These are just some of my anxiety symptoms.. But I do know what you mean as I think surely anxiety can't make me feel this tired( it's not even a normal tired feeling is it , it's like all your energy has been sucked from you)!.. Kind Regards Lynn

---------- Post added at 23:57 ---------- Previous post was at 23:56 ----------

Ps I also get palpitations often, some days I can have up to 5 x

14-07-15, 11:45
hey there :) just thought say your not alone when my anxiety was at its worst i couldnt even stay sat up for long i was tired all day ever day .... i had fatigue to the point were i walked down the street i had too stop it made me really question is this 'anxiety' and it was but there good news! normally when you get really bad fatigue for awhile it normally means your body got used to the adrenline and your body forgot how to function without the adrenline - look up adrenline fatigue syndrome it can have pretty nasty profound effects on the human body but it means your adrenline gland finally stopping you find no amount of sleep, caffiene etc will help but after month or 2 you gradually start feeling normal and you be able do all the normal things again! it is hell go thought but at the otherside is life :) i can go on massive walks days out i can do pretty much anything i want now without the huge fatigue kicking in! hope this helps but please during this phase your body healing dont pump yourself with caffeine ! go to holland and barrett and get some B12 vitamin 500mg or 1000mg take one in the morning ever 2 to 3 days for 2 weeks and a cod liver oil tablet everyday - avoid high sugar and caffiene and i promise you, you slowly start feeling human again! dont take loads b12 as it can complicate things but it the vitamin that gives you natural energy and has no horrid caffiene withdrawal or come down ! hope this helps you! and best of luck