View Full Version : Does your anxiety ever get worse once you start to feel better?

12-07-15, 15:27
As a lot of you I've had quite a stressful time recently and my overall anxiety and panic attacks have been through the roof. I'm feeling better now. Not 100% but getting there. I've noticed that with every set back I get, as soon as I start to feel even a wee bit better, my anxiety gets worse! Its like I strive to feel better but then as soon as I do, I doubt it and probably worry about it not lasting forever and the anxiety becoming bad again and I won't cope or something.

Anyone else feel like this when recovering from a setback?

12-07-15, 19:41
I class myself as an anxiety survivor, whereby I am able to notice symptoms of anxiety arise and am able to manage them.

Yes, I still get symptoms that are out of the blue, but I refuse to let them get to me. I acknowledge that they are there and let them do what they please, then before I know it they've gone again. When they are not out of the blue and I'm stressed at work, late for the bus etc I acknowledge that the symptoms are as a result of the situation and focus on my situation rather than how I'm feeling.

I would not say that they feel worse, but anxiety has a little habit of testing me now and again.