View Full Version : Hiv

12-07-15, 15:37
Hi can anyone help .just wabted to no if hiv would show up in a full blood test. The mot bloods thanks .yes new worry is hiv

12-07-15, 15:43
No, it's a specific test. Unless you've engaged in risky behavior, why on earth would this even be a concern?

Positive thoughts

12-07-15, 15:59
I was 7 years ago .really dont want to go in to it but i was not tested then but no the bloke who did it and hes just bin done for this woth someone esle so am scared now that this is wats up with me

12-07-15, 18:30
:doh: Uhhhh... no....

Positive thoughts

12-07-15, 19:53
It was 7 years ago now and i no hes bin with others seen then so surely they would have it .am goin to get the test done cos doctor said iv got thrush on my tongue and guess what Google say it is .i no silly me for Google

12-07-15, 20:05
So... let me get this straight... You were with someone 7 years ago. AFTER you he was with others that you believe may have had HIV.... "after you"... and in 7 years you've not been diagnosed with HIV nor shown signs of being very ill which you would have been by now. Well.... good luck to you then.

Positive thoughts

12-07-15, 20:48
S.E.V.E.N. Y.E.A.R.S. - You'd be very ill.

Good luck and positive thoughts

12-07-15, 20:52
You would know by now if you had HIV, by now it would be full blown AIDS. You would be very unwell.

12-07-15, 21:09
Cant help but think like this vos of the doctor sayin iv got thrush in my mouth

15-07-15, 14:34
I get my results tomorrow. Cant see cant eat feel so anxious all the time and panicking

15-07-15, 15:38
I very much doubt you have hiv, you would be extremely ill.

15-07-15, 15:42
But iv got oral thrush and no explanation why i have it and i had sex with someone that slept around so i no it will be possible

15-07-15, 19:29
Hi Nicolag84

I know that waiting for test results can be an anxious time. Please do try to relax and try to stay calm if you can. No googling today...just let your mind have a break from that. I'm sure you'll be fine. There are many other reasons why thrush may occur with no apparent reason... these fungal bacteria are naturally found in the mouth in low levels, and a number of natural factors can sometimes cause these to start multiplying, causing thrush.

Take care

15-07-15, 20:23
Thanks i no its goin to be bad news can just feel it

15-07-15, 21:15
What you feel doesn't mean a thing really and doesn't affect results.

16-07-15, 18:09
Got my results and they were negative thank god

16-07-15, 18:17
:D glad your clear , but even if you had been positive for HIV you would have had to deal with it in some way, wouldn't you

16-07-15, 20:24
Got my results and they were negative thank god

Of course they were!

Positive thoughts

16-07-15, 21:57
Damn, I was sure thrush in mouth means certain HIV diagnosis since you felt it right? :p

Now, start enjoying life more, you are disease free...