View Full Version : still unsure and extremely anxious

12-07-15, 16:55
Hello, so I was in A&E last night because I could no longer deal with my intrusive thoughts. I have all of a sudden developed ghosting vision and I don't know why. Saw an optometrist again today who had ANOTHER look at my eyes because I am convinced I have keratoconus now. He said he couldn't see anything that would suggest I have this and my eyes are healthy and my vision is good. But I have read that keratoconus is quite difficult to diagnose in the early stages. He's verdict was that my symptoms are psychosomatic and that I really need to sort this out because it is getting to the point where he won't want to see me. I am going because I have genuine symptoms, I do not make these up. Sleep is still a big struggle for me, still terrified that I will wake up and jot be able to see!

12-07-15, 17:07
But I have read

He is a doctor and was studying to become one for years and you read online...so who is right?

I am going because I have genuine symptoms

And he told you that your symptoms are psychosomatic. It doesn't mean they don't exist and that you don't feel them, just the cause is not smth physical.

And sleeping troubles also indicate high levels of anxiety.

Why not go to therapist and treat actual condition you do have?

12-07-15, 17:11
Thanks for your reply, I understand what you're saying. I have my first therapy session tomorrow. I just hope these awful feelings and symptoms subside. I want to feel and be normal, I know I should trust them so why don't I?

12-07-15, 17:31
I wrote that in another topic but unfortunately symptoms will never stop so don't expect them to. And even when these currwnt symptoms stop new ones will appear soon. You should work on changing how you interpret those symptoms. I should work on that also and every perwon who has HA, because if you just wait for symptoms to stop you'll never get cured.

Talk to your therapist, take meds if necessary, it will help.

12-07-15, 17:52
Thanks for your replies. It really is an obsession. Eveyday i am consumed by different fears but all associated with the eyes. Ok my eyes may look healthy but what if it is a neurological problem, a problem that is getting worse day by day and im not doing anything to help myself. Its truly hell