View Full Version : Pain in temple

12-07-15, 21:58
I keep getting this shock on my head right by my temple. doesn't constantly hurt but it's like a zap. Also I'm pretty congested. A lot of this mucous in my nose and throat. Could it just be congestion? Sometimes it happens when I try to take a deep breath.

12-07-15, 22:08
It's either Tensions or Sinuses or both.
Try to gently run your fingers over your forehead starting from the middle to the edges of your hairline. This soothes the nerves.
A honey and lemon drink will help your congestion.
Or if you can get some 'Vicks' and rub a little on the end of your nose to help you breath easier. :)

13-07-15, 04:40
Thx I'll try that