View Full Version : keep getting scared that i have something serious... family annoyed by me :/

12-07-15, 21:59
Since last year. I worried that my headaches meant brain tumours and concussions. Then I just got worse after my stomach bug or food posioning. anyway So these past few months. I have had horrible hypochondriac like occurrences. I think I have colon cancer because my bowel movements and poop / stools haven't been normal since I had a stomach flu. Also I'm a little scared I have kidney disease. Then I'm scared have an abdominal aneurysm. Now its a strangulated hernia. The reason is why because I have a some pain on my top groin area. And a spot on my middle left side of belly that hurts when I poke it. Like. Well. Should it hurt to poke at my stomach? Like it doesn't hurt really when I push down flat with my hands. But when I poke it. It hurts. Then after I'm done pushing it. It hurts for a little after that. I have also been very concerned about my sleep. I have palpitations right before I fall asleep. So I stay up until 4-6 am before I actually sleep. And then I'm fatigued. I hope and think it's stress related because I have been stressed about these things for around a month and half. I'm going to the doctors on the 30th of July. I'm scared something bad will happen until then. So here's my full story so far about my hypochondria can anyone relate to this. And was there actually something wrong with you? Is this stress related? I what do you think? I am a 15 year old boy by the way.

12-07-15, 22:41
Have you spoken to your parents about your fears? You're 15 and a child for all intents and purposes and shouldn't be so concerned about such things.

Positive thoughts

13-07-15, 00:18
I mention it all the time. But my mom is really annoyed with it she said nothing's wrong with me. My brother is a medical assistant and does the same thing. It is horrible. No one in my family is here for me. So I'm left to constantly worry and cry About this.

13-07-15, 00:25
Well nothing is wrong with you physically, so that's good news. Bad news is that freaking Google is ruining lives of kids since when I was 15 I didn't know about abdominal aneurysm, symptoms of different cancers and similar shit, and that was not that long time ago.

Ask your parents if they can send you to some kid therapist or something to help you with health anxiety now, until it gets worse.

13-07-15, 01:26
Last year I became convinced I had stomach cancer, all because I thought my stomach felt harder than usual. I was told by a doctor it was just muscle and I was fine, which really I knew, but I couldn't convince myself I was okay until then. But shortly afterwards I started thinking I had ALS, then some kind of head tumour, then breast cancer, and now it's oral cancer (going to the dentist tomorrow). I know what health anxiety is like, and it's awful, because in your mind you're dying and you blow every symptom out of proportion.

I'm not a doctor and I don't want to make any judgements about your health until you see a doctor, but stomach pains and changes in bowel movements, GI problems in general, can be caused by anxiety. Any part of your body will hurt it you keep poking it - I caused a pus-filled swelling to come up on my neck just from prodding it thinking it was already swollen. On top of that you are so young that statistically it is almost impossible to have that sort of cancer, not that that stops you worrying, I know (I'm 21 and I still think I have every cancer there is). Each time I've been worried (which is an understatement) I turned out to be fine, although I have yet to be told what's going on with my mouth - I have a few hard lumps on the floor of my mouth that I don't know what to make of. But no matter if there is an underlying physical problem, health anxiety is still serious in its own right. It has made me feel suicidal for the past few months. So please don't be afraid to talk to your parents about it and try and get support and help. If you need to talk I (and many people on here) would be happy to listen.

13-07-15, 03:36
Thanks so much for your empathy. It makes me feel a little better knowing my non stop anxiety could be causing all this horrible pile of symptoms. I've also been depressed and having suicidal thoughts. Knowing people like my family just don't get it. And they never will. I can't help but imagine my own funeral and them saying. "Oh my god" he was sick. And so forth . But thanks a lot. And hypo84. I hope nothings wrong. And I agree that Google and symptoms searching has been ruining my life. I have talked to my mom about therapy when I freaked about Ebola and other things. She considered and I'm probably cgoing to ask again. I think it will help like this website.