View Full Version : Sick children

02-02-07, 13:49
Feeling very anxious at the moment.

Eldest daughter is off school with a bad cold/high temp etc. My sister has gone down with this as have her 2 children. my mother is also ill.

I am so worried my youngest will be ill. May last year she was taken into hospital with pneumonia which was a result of a cold/virus that didn't clear up. Hence my worry now. I watch her like a hawk, check on her constantly in the night and won't even let her sit in the same room as her poorly sister.

To make matters worse my partner is away for the weekend visiting his family. So am constantly wondering what I will I do if something terrible happens

02-02-07, 13:56
Hi Nach
I know what you mean its awful when your child or children are ill when your hubby is away. I have both mine of school and have done for a week now one with a chest infection and throat infection the other with cold and temp. My hubby is away too and wont be back till next week, i do all the checking bit too on both of them. I m sure your daughter will be fine and hopefully she wont catch this , there just seems to be so much going round at the moment. If youre youngest daughter catches it just keep an eye on her and dont worry too much. Take care and hope youre family are better soon

02-02-07, 14:00

Children and teenagers are especially vulnerable to viruses. Basically they are germ-magnets with and they do spread them to others in most families once one kid gets ‘it’ the others are guaranteed to however their immune systems and metabolisms work much more quickly than adults so the recovery time is consequently more rapid.

So I wouldn’t worry too much. Don’t you have any other relatives or neighbors you might call on if you feel the need to do so?


miss diagnosis
02-02-07, 17:02
i know how u feel. my son has a lump on the back of his leg and i had to take him into hopsital last week for a scan. Its awful when your kids are ill cos you jst want to take the pain away but you cant.

Ims ure your little one will be fine. your obviously agreat mother so she is lucky.

05-02-07, 14:52
Thanks for your kind words.

Eldest daughter still sick - 6 days later, visited doctors twice and now on anti biotics.
Still watching the youngest like a hawk but feel a bit calmer about things.