View Full Version : scans, scans, scared

13-07-15, 07:14
I had the following symptoms so saw doc about a month ago. Symptoms were:

Occassion of bleeding after sex
Recurring utis
Diagnosed? kidney infection
Soreness inside vagina

Obviously I panicked being the hypochondriac I am. Doc said sounded like a kidney infection and gave me some antibiotics. Those didn't work so went back and she gave me a 10 day dose of another antibiotic.

The nausea cleared, but still had other symptoms so she suggested I get a renal scan. I went along and had that and results were clear. Awesome.

Went for follow up today and my usual doc wasn't there, so I saw another. I explained my fear of ovarian cancer and she wasn't worried, I think because she thought the ultrasound would have shown full abdominal. She said she would call the doc who checked.

She also asked me to get some bloods done, FBC, liver function and TSH, which I believe is a thyroid thing.

I got a voicemail couple hours later from the nurse at doctors surgery, saying that the dr thinks it would be good for me to get a repeat scan. Of course I freaked out! She said my scan was fine but would be good to get a clearer picture. She said not to worry as there's nothing to worry about...but why would she order another scan if that's the case?! This one is for pelvic and ovaries.

So here I am. Terrified of yet another scan, waiting for it to happen and waiting for results. Not to mention blood test results. Convincing myself that I have cancer.

13-07-15, 07:56
I know how hard it is and I'm no role model for calmness, but the doctor has reassured you it's nothing to worry about. They don't just say this stuff. When my mother had cancerous ovarian cysts her doctor was upfront about something being wrong and needing to have a second scan. I'm sure it's fine. As for the Blood tests, I get anxious waiting as well, but anxiety will do that to you - our anxious mind needs things done instantly. But there's nothing you can do - I know the fear and dread of waiting but it only worsens our state so it's best to relax until the time comes to do the next thing. I try to live by "worry when it happens." And I'm sure nothing will happen. Try to relax.

I know it's difficult, it's my daily struggle, but it has helped to think "I will worry about bad news when I get it, and until then I won't IMAGINE bad news."

13-07-15, 08:31
When you had your original scan it might have been just a renal scan - did you have to drink lots of water before the scan?? if you did then you had a full pelvic scan that includes all your lady bits but if you didn't then it would be your kidney/bladder bits.

Your Dr has taken note of your fears and is now doing her best to offer reassurance by requesting another scan, not because she thinks you need one! She is convinced that this scan will be fine as well.

I understand how worried you are as this is health anxiety but this second scan should give you real peace of mind.

14-07-15, 06:46
Yeah the first was renal. Can see now this one is for pelvic and ovaries with note on form "patient is anxious about ovarian ca".

I got my bloods back and the nurse said I had low iron (which I knew) and I asked how the rest were and she's like "pretty much normal" and me, being me was like "what do you mean pretty much?" and ugh now I am worried. I asked her if I needed to be worried and she said "no there's nothing to worry about" argh.

What one is it?!