View Full Version : Cbt starting today

13-07-15, 07:58
I am starting my cbt today at 9am, and I woke up now I am over thinking and seem to some how made myself nervous and thinking about being trapped in the meeting for 1 hour lol, it's so crazy as I was thinking like this before this morning damnnnn haha, I hate nerves and anxiety

13-07-15, 08:14
I was the same as you. I found it takes a few sessions before you feel more comfortable with it all. Don't be surprised if you feel a bit exhausted (anxiety as usual wearing us out) after but you might also feel quite upbeat like I did. I guess I felt someone was finally helping me!

Therapists see us at our worst so they know we could be very anxious about even seeing them. They are very accomodating and if you need a short break, I'm sure they will be happy to help.

I found that hour just flies anyway!

Try to document your symptoms, your thoughts, what triggers you, what you want to achieve, etc. I didn't and I think this cost me some time in the first few sessions.

Good luck!

13-07-15, 08:34
Thank you, I took the dogs for a walk in the pouring rain and its seem to refresh me a little, I need to think of the positives of it and it helping me I just hope I don't get the trapped feeling when feel like cannot escape the room lol I'm as nutty as a fruit cake haha, I'm sure it be fine I HOPE LOL

13-07-15, 08:50
If you feel like that, tell them. They must be used to people feeling that way. If you need to do some breathing exercises in there, go for it. They can wait or help you with it. I've seen people on here have issues in a session where the therapist has talked them through it.

Rain does seem to shake us out of it sometimes and dogs (pets in general) are great helpers. My dog knows when I'm not feeling great and spends more time around me or gets me up & moving and I feel better for it.

It does get easier. Its the same with going to the doctors or dentist or anywhere, the nerves kick in. Therapist normally have a comfortable room and they have a relaxing & friendly manner about them and this does help. After a few sessions you will see this calm down. Initially, its an exposure exercise all of its own and it can feel daunting because of what you are due to talk about. They will take it at your pace and mine would alsways ask if I was ok to discuss the subjects she wanted to raise. Think of those positives and how this is the first step towards recovery for you and we all know the early steps are the hardest ones so easier one are due going forward which is another positive to hang onto.

13-07-15, 15:23
Had the meeting he was a really nice man, he said a good few keen points that will help he said I will find cbt a great help he's emailed me over health anxiety also general anxiety breathing and relaxation techniques and seeing him next Monday, hopefully it works positive thoughts and all that lol

13-07-15, 22:42
Glad u got on ok

13-07-15, 23:11
Thank you xxxxxx