View Full Version : trigeminal nerve

13-07-15, 11:57
Hi All

I have had some facial numbness/tingly feelings on the left side of my cheek and around my eye for a while now.

Aside from the normal fears of MS and the rest of the nasty issues that crop up i have been looking into the trigeminal nerve, has anyone suffered on and off numbness or those tingly feelings from this? What i have found mainly seems to show stabbing pains but this isnt something i get.

I do spend alot of time working at my laptop and also have been having orthodontic work done over the last 2 years so not sure if this could have triggered anything.

Im trying to resist going to the Drs if i can help it!


13-07-15, 19:48
Trigeminal neuralgia is excrutiatingly painful and you would def know if you had this. Lots of things can give you mild pain/ pins and needles etc from jaw joint trouble (TMJ) which can follow on from lots of dental work to straining your neck as the nerves from your neck go up into your head.

I have severe disc problem in my neck and I get all sorts of strange pains and sensations in my face/head from the nerves being annoyed.

Easy to say but no need to panic at moment, as always if it gets alot worse or continues for a week or two then its not unreasonable to see a Dr about it.

14-07-15, 15:38
Thanks countrygirl

I'm hoping it is my orthodontic work or even posture ( mine isn't the best I work from home on a lap top and I know I slouch!)

It's a little freaky when it goes numb/ spider web feeling over the cheek, have booked to see my gp next week so will see what he says.

Hoping I don't need any further testing as believe it or not this makes my anxiety worse!