View Full Version : feeling scared and panicky.

13-07-15, 12:13
About half an hour ago i was ok,sitting down then all of a sudden i had a funny feeling in my chest a bit like a few quick palps but it made my chest feel funny it was in the middle of my chest. And i felt the wave of panic come over me. Then a few minutes later i started burping only little then i let out a big one. Then not long back standing up talking to my mum i went slightly dizzy/light-headed. But i still feel edgy. I haven,t felt like that in a while but when things like that do come back it throws me out.

13-07-15, 19:44
Many years ago Drs used to call ectopic heartbeats " windy heart" as having a full stomach and or lots of gas in it irritates the vagus nerve that runs across the top of you stomach and this makes your heart skip beats that feel like a thump in your chest or throat. Its totally harmless but scares the xxxx out of anyone with HA!

This could be what you have experienced and then you got an adrenaline rush because it scared you which would make you feel light headed etc etc.

Cardiologist told me many times that in someone without serious heart disease missed heartbeats are totally harmless but feel horrible and this helped me enormously.

14-07-15, 11:17
COUNTRYGIRL. thank you so much. you have put my mind at ease.