View Full Version : I have an extreme fear of bugs of any kind...

13-07-15, 17:48
But the fear really isn't the problem, it's the disgust. If I see a bug for any amount of time, I lose my appetite. Depending on how close I am to the bug or how memorable the experience, I'll have trouble eating for weeks after.

I used to be this way about anything 'disgusting." I used to tell my parents all about 'the disgusting thing,' meaning the appetite loss after seeing something I thought was gross. Any time I saw something like bugs, or any kind of bodily fluids like vomit or snot, I wouldn't be able to eat for weeks or even months afterwards without gagging... Fortunately I only have that issue with bugs now, but jeez... I was about to eat lunch until I remembered a bug that was crawling around on my window this morning and suddenly I want to vomit just thinking about eating anything. Anyone else?