View Full Version : The Flu Grrr

02-02-07, 16:57
I've got this horrible flu thats going around and it was making me depressed but now its brough my anxiety back in full force, I was doing so well to, but this has spoiled all that. Anyone else having this problem with the flu

A happy person is fully caught up in the moment --and is not thinking about the past or the future.

02-02-07, 17:09
When you feel rough it's hard to be positive but once you've shaken the flu off you will be fine again. Meanwhile just give yourself a bit of TLC!

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-02-07, 17:17
Touch wood I don't tend to get flu any more, I take so many supplements and herbs and they seem to work. But I used to get it very often and it would go to my chest.

I remember a few years ago lying in bed feeling flippin awful. My voice was low and croaky. The phone rang and I answered it. The man, assuming I was male, said hello Mr ......... Well that was a bad start and he didn't give me time to correct him before launching into his spiel. 'Now can my company interest you in making a will?"

Talk about poor timing. [:O] I soon got rid of him.



02-02-07, 18:31
I'm fighting a nasty bug right now myself so I know how you feel.
Sending you a ((((HUG)))) and going to pull a 'mom' thing (sorry) and tell you to drink plenty of liquids, get lots of rest, and take some vitamin C :)
Hope you feel better real soon!!!

02-02-07, 19:24
I have it! Really getting me down now. Have tonsilitis on top, but doc wont give me antibiotics unless ive had it over 5 days!!!!....... If I last that long!!! Hope you feel better soon hun.