View Full Version : My anxiety is so stupid

13-07-15, 18:38
My anxiety is so stupid, I was being a troll on a online game i play and i was being rude to a couple of people joking about and 1 person said god will take him this year dont worry, and it made me feel all funny and anxiety and then i tried appoligising lol and they said just be good and nice haha, Madness such a weak coward i am lol:blush::blush::blush:

13-07-15, 19:00
Maybe the moral of the story is not to go around being rude to people??!

13-07-15, 19:09
i agree its only joking about as its in like game mode where u think everybody is ur enemy lol

13-07-15, 19:15
Being a troll doesn't make anyone feel good, when they turn it around in you then you see what it feels like for everyone else. But now you know to be good and nice and everyone can enjoy playing the game.

13-07-15, 19:22
Yes, I have said i appolgise to everyone, And i wont be rude or troll anymore, Lol i said if somebody annoys me ill be quiet lol

13-07-15, 22:57
Its blatant speciaism, trolls have feelings too. Just because you have a lower than average IQ and carry a club doesn't mean you can't be useful or appreciated... oh I see what you mean now :roflmao:

13-07-15, 23:10
Haha that made me laugh my name is terry, lol brilliant just what I needed to finish the day on a happy shaaaabang lol night all