View Full Version : one nostril concaved is making my anxiety and paranoia go to another level

13-07-15, 20:13
Hi everyone ....I'm 40 years old and 3 months ago I noticed my nose over night had changed one nostril looked bigger than the other ..I ignored it but now 3 months on it looks alot worse I've woken myself up snoring and my 9 year old daughter has said ..mummy your nose looks strange . That has pushed my paranoia and anxiety really far....if she's noticed then it's real and not in my mind. When I talk to people I lack confidence I feel like ...have they noticed my nose looks so odd I've taken photos to confirm my fears ...I am due to start a new job and I'm not sure I want to go . When I close one nostril I can't breathe through the one that looks so colapsed .....its really hard and feels blocked . Can anybody help ......offer advice ? This isn't something old it's happened over these passing months .m..is it age related ? I don't know ...:unsure: tnx 4 reading x

13-07-15, 22:09
It could be a manner of non-life threatening things. If it's causing you to snore and have any breathing difficulties it's no harm to get it checked out.

14-07-15, 09:54
The bit between the nostrils feels so spongy and like it's all full of tiny bones I can feel them all moving about like they are about to colapse