View Full Version : help with panic attack sufferers

02-02-07, 17:08
hi, this is my first time on any thing like this so i am a little nervous. The thing is that my partner of two years suffers from panic attacks,(since childhood, she's now in her forties.) Although she has in the past tried to explain what this means to me i didn't always fully understand what was meant by panic attack and how it could take over peoples lives to the extent that it does. What i'm asking for is what i can do for her and where can i go for some practical help and tips, i do fully realise that this is not a short term thing and that it may take many years before we find that time when it doesn't play such a major part in our lives together.

02-02-07, 17:14
You're very welcome here. You'll find lots of friends with good advice.


02-02-07, 17:37
Hello, albyw!

This place is full of people who have experienced things like this and who can give good advice. I think that it's a beautiful thing that you're trying to help support her and help her through this scary anxiety stuff. =)

Best wishes,

- Jamberry

Don't let life get the best of you; instead, give life your best.

02-02-07, 18:02
Just by being there for your partner, is a hugh help. be patient, and try ,because it will feel like at times that you are gettting no where. goood to have you here, we are here for eachother.

02-02-07, 21:01
i think your being really great to help your fiance your a welcome an any of us on this site would be glad to help support you both
take care j

03-02-07, 04:19

Listen, listen and listen somemore and ask what it is that your partner would like you to do. When the going gets tough, cos sometimes it might, be extra supportive and give lots of encouragement. Try not to push too hard or expect too much too soon. Everyone has bad days whether they have panic attacks or not so be that port in a storm.

Be kind and be compassionate cos having panic attacks is hard! Best of all keep on talking to each other.

Don't ever say "Calm down"...."Pull yourself Together"....because believe me if we could pull ourselves together we would!!:D

Have a look at the home page as there is some information about panic attacks as well as avoidance. Browse the boards and have a look at what other people here are saying. It will give you the chance to see what others are going through and your partner is not alone. There are lots of success stories too.

Perhaps some of the other posters could give you some more ideas.

Take care


03-02-07, 21:56
Hi, thanks to all who replied, i didn't expect replies so quickly. It seems that the best thing to do is to be as supportive as possible and above all listen. I will also try to learn as much as i can from this site, and will keep logging on from time to time, Thanks once again..

04-02-07, 11:51
Print off some stuff from the website too - www.nomorepanic.co.uk

Especially the First Steps page and the How to cope one.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

04-02-07, 12:27
Try to be patient. Frustration from my partner used to make me worse! Dont smother her though, a little reasurrance and love goes along way.

All the best

04-02-07, 17:24
hi i suffer with panic attacks and my husband has been fantastic with me when i have a panic attack he just talks to me saying to me they want kill you there not harmful just breath slowly and i can feel me panic comming down if you need to talk we are all here xxxx bernadette xxx

04-02-07, 22:05
** i do fully realise that this is not a short term thing and that it may take many years before we find that time when it doesn't play such a major part in our lives together. **

It needn't be that long once you both understand the disorder and get to grips with tackling it.

Fabulous that she has you to help her.

Bow now and collect your medal - you're doing what many won't and we adore those partners who are willing to walk that path with us .

Encourage her to come on here too and read and participate - she may share stuff here that she would think silly to mention elsewhere that may realy help her .

Read lots of posts and if there is a particular thing - then please post. We're not reticent in giving you the benefit of many experiences ....


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

10-02-07, 08:54
Hi once again, Just a short question, How can i help to turn around the " WHAT IFS" into positives? I know that in some areas of life this in itself is a positive, ie in the aircraft industry. This helps to avoid things going wrong in the air. But how do you help someone to see that things won't always turn out bad before they've tried?

eddie d
10-02-07, 11:26
ultimatly they have to do it for themselves .what you can do is encourage and support .

10-02-07, 14:52
See if this post helps...

A post to help with negative scary thoughts. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=9747)


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

13-02-07, 16:05
Hi to all that have taken the trouble to reply. I have to admit that in the past i have been badly lacking in the understanding department some would even say ignorant about panic disorder and the effect it has on peoples lives, in fact it has taken a long time for me to begin to realise what it can do to sufferers, As i learn more, and with your help and advice that i can find on this site and by "LISTENING, REASSURING,ENCOURAGING and SUPPORTING" my partner hopefully she can find the answers she needs to eventually be free of this Panic Attack Monster. albyw