View Full Version : Your cells speak English!

14-07-15, 01:12
So I bought a rebounder! I am so excited because exercise is something that makes my HA go away within minutes. However, with the heat, weather, or even night time (when my HA is worst) I can't always exercise. So, I bought a rebounder and can jump for exercise anytime I want! Anyway, it came with a video to discuss the benifits of it. In the video the guy makes an excellent point. He says:

Your cells speak English and are able to communicate with every part of your body!

Think about that. He said that people who are diagnosed with liver cancer and told they have 6 months to live literally begin the dying process at that moment bc their cells heard that and respond. They become like factory workers and think, "shop is closing" so they begin to die.

The opposite is also true. If you tell your cells they are healthy, they will be.

The mind is a powerful thing! I know it is hard, but if we could all stop telling our cells that we are sick, maybe we wont be sick anymore. Just wanted to share.

14-07-15, 04:37
Its certainly possible that such a prognosis would mean you sink into depression and give up. Depression will bring all the negatives it already does to our bodies. Positive thinking is a powerful thing. But I don't think it can be generalised as some people seize what time they have left and live it.

We can certainly influence our minds & bodies by creating the right conditions to encourage a change in a positive or negative way. I've read about how the methylation process can switch on inherited genes this way in the case of anxiety/depression but its interesting that there are studies out there which are showing you can do the opposite and shift it back.

I think something we often don't think about is that fact anxiety is a physical process, a chemical process. We don't realise that our neurotransmitters are in play with our experiences and how important they also are to many other physical processes in the body such as pain.