View Full Version : Anyone else experience tight spots on their scalp?

14-07-15, 07:19
I've got another sensation causing anxiety that is hard to describe. I get these tight areas on my head that switch around one side of my scalp (temple, behind ear, above ear, back of head) it's not exactly pain and it's not a headache, it's tight spots and the worst part is they feel like they're about to explode. They get so tight during an attack and sometimes they even feel numb. It's never in the same place or in two places at once. The tight numb sensation makes me feel like I'm about to pass out which I guess is the panic attack. It just feels so weird and scary. Anyone know what I'm talking about or know if tight muscles can make your scalp feel like it's numb? Whether I have ear pressure, jaw pressure/tightness, or these scalp sensations, all of it feels like something is pushing outwards and is going to explode. The doctor says anxiety and isn't concerned since it's not constant or in one spot, but I need to hear from fellow sufferers and come to some kind of peace when this feeling happens. It seems to be an immediate response when I panic but this "everything is about to explode and kill me" feeling is unbearable.

15-07-15, 14:46
No I've not heard of that before. I don't think you're going to explode though.

Your scalps going to be pretty harmless. There's probably only skin and very little else there I'd imagine.

Outside your skull I can't imagine it being anything significant at all.

Maybe recognise that what you are doing is self monitoring and fearing things are a sign of something to fear. That is very common and is all over these boards.