View Full Version : Health Screen BP Result

14-07-15, 13:20
Hi guys,

I had a free health screen in work today. During this I had BP taken. First other results:

- BMI of ~26, so slightly over
- Blood sugar of 4.2, so normal

My Blood Pressure however was 151/78, I had also happened to do one on a pharmacy machines yesterday and it was 136/81. These are considered high numbers right? The health screen lady told me it was a bit high but not anything she would be concerned about, just something to be aware of. What are your thoughts on this because anything heart related freaks me the hell out :/. And I already experience long term muscle pains in my shoulder and left arm which always has me jumping to conclusions (HA sufferer). The doctor apparently sends out an email in like 2 weeks with further evaluation, but would you think I should be concerned? I'm only 21 as well if that makes a difference.


14-07-15, 15:06
They are classed as high normal, not really high. which to be honest it is kind of normal for someone with anxiety.

Also there is the anxiety of having your BP taken which will make it higher 'white coat syndrome'

14-07-15, 17:26
I have terrible white coat syndrome and my pulse can be 150bpm and my bp up to 180/95 but at home I take my bp 3 times a day and I have low blood pressure! Which just proves its white coat syndrome.

For adults a persitant reading of 140/90 and above is considered high but it needs to be persistant. ( this is for uk it may be different in another country).

15-07-15, 10:01
So you guys wouldn't be too concerned then? It was still a little high (136/81) when I did it in a pharmacy machine the day before. Just one of my big fears and the last day now I've been feeling my shoulder / arm / chest pain worse (even though I've had it for months).

Also, on the point of the 4.2 blood sugar reading. I had just eaten and drank half a can of 7up 20-30 minutes before the random blood sugar test. Is this still normal? Or is it a bit low for having just eaten? Diabetes would be a bit of another fear, but I think this reading is OK.

15-07-15, 13:30
It takes up to an hour from eating for your blood sugar to reach its highest or it does for my husband who is an insulin dependant diabetic so if you tested your blood glucose levels very soon after eating and it was low to begin with then it would not have moved up alot.
Someone with undiagnosed diabetes would not have a low blood sugar reading!

I have alot of chest pain from muscle tension in my chest/rib area due to a damaged disc in my neck but this muscle tension can also be caused by plain old anxiety tensing your chest muscles. I don't have a day where I don't have stabbing pains somewhere in my chest/ribs but it is all muscular. the more you worry about the pains the more your muscles will tense up and its a nasty circle. Tell yourself the pain is there but its from muscles/tendons etc.

15-07-15, 16:10
Did you know that eating before BP reading raises pulse and BP.