View Full Version : Blood tests showed low calcium

14-07-15, 13:39
Ive been having all the symptoms of low calcium in my blood. This has now been confirmed by my GP. I am terrified this means I have cancer.

14-07-15, 17:28
I know that high calcium levels can mean cancer has spread to the bones as this happened to my mother and others i Know but I haven't ever heard of low calcium being caused by cancer????

What has your GP said about this?

15-07-15, 01:53
To be honest, it probably means you just have a dietary calcium deficiency. I think if your doctor thought otherwise they would have said so.

15-07-15, 10:30
My dr has ordered more blood tests for me because of the low calcium reading. He said he doesnt think its down to diet. Im having bloods to check my vitamin d levels and my parathyroid levels tomorrow. Wish I could just have them done instsntly :( so worried about this and it seems to match up with my other scary symptoms.

15-07-15, 11:18
I had low calcium and vit d was told most people have this. Its all too do with sun exposure we dont get enougg. I was told nothing to worry about were given vit d tablets to take for three months my dr even has it x

15-07-15, 22:25
Have you ever had thyroid surgery? I have low calcium due to my parathyroid glands being removed during thyroid surgery...its called hypoparsthyroidism.

One of the main symptoms of low calcium is anxiety and is in my case...things are settling down a bit now as my treatment of vit d and calcium is helping but during diagnosis things were very scary..I never worried about cancer though..they will get to the bottom of it and find the reason why your calcium is low.

You will be OK and the low calcium deffinately causes anxiety.