View Full Version : I'm a complete mess!

14-07-15, 15:21
My vision seems to be getting worse, thanks to the help of Google I discovered keratoconus. Went to my optometrist in a blind panic, he said he couldn't see anything and said it was all psychosomatic. I've found out that the gold standard test for diagnosing this disease in a corneal tonograpy, which he didn't do, so he can't know for sure? I'm devestated

Gary A
14-07-15, 15:35
Well yes, but first of all there would need to be signs of the condition from a basic eye examination, which would then lead him on to carrying out further testing. If there were no signs of any eye problems then there's no need to further test. Yes, he knows for sure, trust me.

14-07-15, 16:02
Thanks Gary I have told him all my symptoms and they do correlate strongly with this disease. The ghosting and glares appeared out of the blue 2 weeks ago! So maybe early onset which I know is more difficult to detect.

Gary A
14-07-15, 16:11
I'm going to tell you again, only this time I'm hoping you'll read what I write and don't respond with a "yeah but..."

Your vision is fine, there are no signs of this disease in any way, shape or form. Even in early onset your ophthalmologist would be able to detect if there were any problems worth further testing. There isn't.

You do not have this condition, stop trying to convince yourself that you do.

14-07-15, 16:17
I'm going to tell you again, only this time I'm hoping you'll read what I write and don't respond with a "yeah but..."

The "Yeah But" is strong in this one Obi-Wan :)

Positive thoughts