View Full Version : Anxiety everyday

14-07-15, 20:42
Hi everyone, first off I would like to say I am new to this forum and would like to start off by telling you a bit about my anxiety and some recent problems I've been having.

I first started having anxiety when I was 16 years old (23 now) and I can remember the day it all started like it was yesterday. One morning I woke up and got out of bed, the next thing I know I had an overwhelming 3rd person feeling as if I was out of my own body and i had to lie down.

This feeling was constant 24/7 and made me think that i had a brain tumor or some other sort of terminal illness, and I spent most of my time lying in bed and I wouldn't leave the house. Anyway after a week or so of having these feelings I made a doctors appointment and he sent me for some blood tests, everything came back fine and that is when he told me it was anxiety and prescribed me with some propranolol to take.

I carried on taking the propranolol for a good few months until I stopped taking them because I didn't want to rely on them and I wanted to try sort out the problems myself. Eventually my anxiety levels reduced and I could live without the tablets, but still had occasional bad episodes of anxiety and health worries from time to time, but I could cope without the tablets and fight the anxiety myself.

Which leads me to now.....

Recently I have been having a few issues that are very worrisome and I do not know if it is anxiety related or real health problems. I have been having stabbing chest pains, weird dull vibrating sensations in my chest, feeling dizzy when standing up sometimes, anxiety feeling when eating and just wanting to lie down all the time, which made me think I could have heart problems or something else. 4 days ago I took myself to the hospital after getting tingling in my left hand and feeling dizzy, they checked my blood pressure, performed an ECG and the doctor listened to my chest and everything came back fine and he said it is because of anxiety.

Now even after the ecg came back clear I still find it hard to believe that all these symptoms can be caused by just anxiety, and I'm wondering if anybody else has had similar symptoms? The doctor in the hospital told me to go and see my GP for anxiety tablets, but if this is anxiety then i don't want to go back to square 1 again and rely on tablets, if this is anxiety it has come back with a vengeance.

Sorry for the long thread, hope everyone is well.

14-07-15, 23:48
Anxiety can cause all kinds of symptoms including yours. Accept your diagnosis and start working on your anxiety.