View Full Version : breathing!!!!

02-02-07, 22:31
Well I seem to have what a lot of you guys have - breathing problems!!! Not shortness of breath, in fact, if I'm busy at work or excercising I forget my breathing problems and breathe normally.
When I'm alone or anxious I'm very aware of my breathing and unable to fully fill my lungs with air, it's awful and usually strikes at night when I'm trying to relax or sleep, I try to yawn to get a breath in or stand up, I'm constantly taking half breaths in which leaves me feeling tired, nauseous, panicky and dizzy.
It's something I've suffered with for several years now on and off, so although you never ever get used to it, I've almost learned to accept it.
I just wanted to ask if anyone who has this, gets pains in their chest and back and sides associated with it.
I have been getting painful twinges all over my chest and back recently and my sensible self is saying that it is my poor overworked lungs and ribs that are hurting from all the overbreathing, my mental self is telling me I'm having a heart attack.
Please let me know if you guys have any experiences of this.

Cheers Birdi xxx

02-02-07, 22:43
yes i do,i get all sorts of pains alover my chest and usually quite a sharp pain inbetween my shoulder blades and sometimes my sides which when that happens its more painful when you do take a full breath in.
most days i feel like i cant get proper breaths in andit especially happens when im out.

02-02-07, 22:52
Yes!! I've got a lot of soreness between my shoulder blades, it's horrible is'nt it! Thanks for the reply.

Birdi xxx

02-02-07, 23:08
it is most days i think its something serious i cant seem to understand its been going on for months so surely it cant be

02-02-07, 23:33
Yes i can relate to what you have said - it makes you feel horrible doesnt it.

I had/have all the symptoms you have and was referred to a physio to correct my breathing. It is hard work though but when my breathing goes funny cos of anxiety i bring in the exercises i was taught and it does work but takes time. If its the same as me it sounds like chronic hyperventilation. It can be correct by breathing techniques. If your up to it type in Chronic Hyperventilation in Google and it will come up with the symptoms you say together with help to deal with them

Maybe then go to drs to get a referral to physio

hope this helps


03-02-07, 09:51
Hi Birdie

Try these links they may help

Breathing technique
How Do You Do The Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4042)
Breathing.. wow (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4037)
Breathing Techniques (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4044)
CONTROLLED BREATHING (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5041)
Working to get better, have a few Q's to ask... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5412)
Insatiable Mouth / Chest Breather???? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7113)



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