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View Full Version : Bowel Obstruction Fear

15-07-15, 20:31
I've been having stomach problems for about 3 weeks now. I'm bloated all the time and have sharp pain on my right side now I'm getting a crampy pain on my left side kind of like a stitch on the side after running. I was unable to have a bowel movement or pass gas for 3 days but now I've been super watching my diet and am doing steel cut oats with 5 prunes for breakfast and a handful of carrots at lunch to act as a softner and I have been able to start passing gas and have some bowel movements the past two mornings but they are small and really hard to get out. My temperature has started to go up as well so I'm kind of starting to panic. What are the chances this could be a bowel obstruction?

15-07-15, 20:34
i had this 3 weeks ago, Its constipation, get prune juice and green tea and drink lots of it, and your soon be going within 2 days then it will pass, dont think the worst dont think blockage think constipated lol

15-07-15, 21:12
Yeah, it's just constipation...

15-07-15, 21:31
K thanks guys. Figure I'm just worried cus I figured if start to feel better and be getting better results after adding prunes, carrots, upping my water to 3L a day, doing colinc massage and taking twice daily walks.