View Full Version : Is this depression?

15-07-15, 20:52
This is not so much something I'm 'panicking' about, but I guess this is the only 'health' forum that I am a member of so I thought I'd ask here....

I've often felt I suffer from bouts of depression, and I once went to the doctor about it who referred me to a councillor but I actually never got a call from them and ended up coming out of the depression so I didn't bother following it up.

Anyway, this happens every now and then, and it's happened again. Since Sunday, I have been feeling INCREDIBLY low for no apparent reason. I feel almost a sort of despair. All I want to do is crawl into bed. Things I usually enjoy just seem crap now. I've lost motivation for everything, even food tastes different. As well as this, I keep feeling moments of extreme aggression, where the smallest thing will happen and I feel like punching my fist through a wall. This has happened before.... It's lasted a week before, it's lasted 2 days before, it's lasted a month before. And now it's happened again and we are on day 3... Is this depression? Do you think it would be worth medication for this? I know this sounds ridiculous from a 30 year old man, but for no reason at all, I almost feel like crying. Even typing this makes me feel pathetic and angry.

Edit: Just for the record, I'm not having any sort of suicidal thoughts whatsoever. I most certainly want to live, I just feel absolutely shit right now.

Gary A
15-07-15, 20:57
It's quite possible that you're suffering bouts of depression, but that diagnosis is really one that should be made by a mental health professional. I'd advise you to speak to your doctor and ask them to be referred again. If no appointment is made then keep pursuing them.

15-07-15, 21:06
I always come out of it eventually but boy... while I'm in it, like now, I just want to lay down and sleep for a week and not speak to anybody. It's almost a tightness in my chest, like a frustration with the way my brain feels. I literally feel as if my brain chemistry is off.

15-07-15, 21:10
As Gary said, that is for a mental health professional to diagnose, but having suffered from some depression, what you're describing are some hallmark symptoms. There's nothing wrong with asking for help.

Positive thoughts

15-07-15, 21:11
It is depression. One of the things that can help you is to do stuff even though you don't feel like doing them. For example, you feel like going into bed, but you go outside for a walk even when you don't feel like it, or you start exercising, do 50 sit-ups or smth...you see the point?

If it doesn't go away you should probably see therapist if possible.

15-07-15, 21:27
I dragged myself to the gym today even though I really didn't want to. I had an extremely lacklustre workout and what made me feel worse was seeing people there giving it their all and there I was just kind of going through the motions. I've been in therapy for anxiety since the new year and have mentioned this a bit.

In terms of going to the doctor, because I don't feel like this all the time, what can they do? From what I understand, medication for depression is a long term thing... should I really be taking it if it kind of comes and goes like this?

15-07-15, 22:17
Well if your therapist says it will help you than sure, why not. I started taking Prozac a week ago and I am not depressed at all, I just have HA, but it should help with that as well, and I want to stop living in fear all the time.

15-07-15, 22:19
The idea of becoming dependant on the medication really scares me.

15-07-15, 22:32
I didn't say you have to take meds, but if your therapist says it's the best thing for you, then you will just have to accept it and not let fear stop you from getting better.

15-07-15, 22:55
Medication for depression is largely the same as for anxiety as are many of the elements of therapy meaning it can come back to CBT.

Comorbidity with anxiety disorders is common, I've had loads of this mostly since my relapse.

Depression comes in many forms. We often hear about Clinical Depression as a minimum 2 week period but it's much more complex than this. Depression is classed as a Mood Disorder and within this category you also have cyclical forms, the most well known aside from depression is likely to be bipolar BUT I'm not saying you should consider this, it's one for a suitably qualified medical professional to diagnose (and probably not a GP) BUT there are lesser known mood disorders that also have cycles to them which a doctor could consider.

It could just be a recurrent form of depression or even just bouts of low mood because of your anxiety. A diagnosis can even be a shared anxiety & depression disorder, there are diagnostic criteria for them. If anxiety is the major player they tend to diagnose that and vice versa for depression (according to my GP and I've read this in the manual too)

So, it could just be something to tackle within you're anxiety disorder. It may just mean increasing current meds or adding it to the therapy. In terms of therapy, CBT will handle depression and focus can be placed on different things such as Behavioural Activation (now also a standalone therapy) but there are other forms of therapy too which IAPT can offer.

So, don't get hung up on the long term meds issue. There are clinical studies showing MBCT to be as effective in recurrent clinical depression as meds. That gives an idea of how therapy can help and its the same with anxiety disorders e.g. NICE guidelines state therapy to be as effective as meds when a doctor should be giving a patient their choices. (GAD guidelines)

I think you should talk to your therapist about it. Your GP is also a good person to speak to.

As stated, exercise is a good one.

I also found high strength Omega 3's good for stabilising my moods so that might be worth a look. Diet too because certain foods or heavy meals can make you feel tired or low.

16-07-15, 10:00
Terry, I am interested in what you posted above about Omega 3. Have you any info/links I could look at? I did a Google search but didn't see anything re helping with mood. Specifically in my case GAD.

16-07-15, 10:50
Terry, I am interested in what you posted above about Omega 3. Have you any info/links I could look at? I did a Google search but didn't see anything re helping with mood. Specifically in my case GAD.

Yes, Oosh started a useful thread about some of this:


If you Google specifically for depression you should find some information. There have been some minor studies using 1000mg+ of either EPA or DHA (I can never remember which it was now but it was in the study information) so I went for a product at 800mg+ and have seen a difference. I top up to around 1000mg+ now too.

There is a useful Omega 3 "all about" website out there which I think I posted in Oosh's thread. Some sort of doctors website, not sure if it was a MD or an alternate doctor now but it had a lot of information about how to use it and in terms of different ratios.

EDIT: This is the site mentioned above http://www.dhaomega3.org/Frequently-Asked-Questions which was useful as some of the questions are not easy to find information about via Googling.

16-07-15, 12:34
You sound like you have a good handle on what is happening with you. Do you think that you could take meds in the short term and not become dependent on them? Many people can't. What strategies has your therapist suggested to combat your depression?