View Full Version : Just need a bit of reassurance...

16-07-15, 13:18
Sorry, posting on hear quickly in my lunch hour because more people viewing...

Have major heart worries at the moment if you've read any of my angina fear posts....been avoiding going up to town shopping my lunch hour because I associate it with chest aches and discomfort but although anxiety is through the roof at the moment, I made myself go today because I needed a present. Got half way up to the shops, niggle started, by the time I got into one of the shops felt really nervous about it and tummy was gurgling and then carried on regardless but felt sure I was going to go into cardiac arrest or something and then dashed back to office - made myself walk up 2 flights of stairs, which didn't make me worse and now got dry mouth and sat in front of fan and just gone a bit weird in my head....I am now PANICKING....I don't want to embarrass myself at work, also going to a wedding tomorrow so if I dash off to a&e, I might get kept in and they'll find I've got to have stents or something - OMG my mind is now ruminating and panicking with the worst case scenario...I was checked 18 months ago in a&e for similar thing and was fine but my Mum's friend has just collapsed and died with a heart attack two days ago.....also, I am soooooooo terrified of hospitals and tests...do you think this could just be associated panic??? I know you can't diagnose on here....I want to run out of the office and get my son to pick me up and take me to the hospital but I am too scared....

Fishmanpa, said the other day if you're having major heart symptoms you wouldn't be posting on here but I am!

Twinges have passed off - it wasn't anywhere but the top of my breastbone but gives me a 'full' feeling and I panic with it. Not down arms or jaw or anything....

16-07-15, 13:31
This is all about your Mum's poor friend..

As FMP said, you wouldn't be in a fit state to post on here if you were in cardiac arrest.

Trouble is, the reassurance won't last long. I do hope that you can calm down and get things in perspective. You're going through a challenging period but catastrophizing about your health will just make things a whole lot worse, as you know.

As an HA sufferer I can truly empathise with your situation but reassurance will only be temporary unless you believe it yourself.

16-07-15, 13:35
As you say we cannot diagnose on here but it really does sound like anxiety, you've had it before, been checked and all ok.
Like Fishmanpa said (and he knows) if it was a heart attack you would not be sitting there typing and you would not be concerned about embarassing yourself.
Take a few deep breaths and keep reminding yourself you will be fine xxx

16-07-15, 13:41
Thank you. I know I need to go and get this checked out because I've had these symptoms for 18 months and this last month have been worse and even convincing myself that I am a bit breathless walking as well. I know my Mum's friend dropping like that has added to it but I am frightened that if I leave my symptoms unchecked, then that could be me. All the angina symptoms on google are exactly what I have but in a milder form, which apparently you can get. Even hovering makes me nervous now as I felt twinges and an ache doing that so I am frightened to do anything at all. It's just the thought of starting the ball rolling and putting myself in the hands of the NHS when it's so bad at the moment. I haven't any reason to trust them through experience etc.