View Full Version : Mirena coil - increased anxiety?

16-07-15, 14:59
Hi, I had a hysteroscopy, polypectomy, biopsy and Mirena coil fitted under GA on Monday. I have been feeling panicky, almost to having a panic attack, dizzy and tired since then. Can the panic/anxiety really be due to coil? I've googled and come up with lots of posts about how people have become anxious and generally found the side effects intolerable. However I've tried to rationalise that those with problems/bad experiences will shout the loudest.

Can a coil really be responsible for increased anxiety or am I anxious because I have a coil? Anyone else's experiences would help...please

16-07-15, 21:19
Its certainly true that the artificial progesterone in the mirena coil can cause some people awful side effects so your not jumping to conclusions but then others have no side effects at all.

You also need to give it time to settle down as your body has to adjust to this new chemical in your body. I would see how you are over the coming weeks. If there is no improvement then discuss this with your Dr. It is possible to have it removed if necessary so that should reassure you.