View Full Version : Cough/Dry scratchy throat worried

16-07-15, 16:18
I was just wondering how many of you have ever developed a cough without any cold symptoms?

I don't generally suffer with my chest in anyway shape or form. I do have bad hayfever which this year I'm really struggling with but a couple of days ago I woke up with a really dry throat which I thought was the start of the cold. Over the last couple of days it's developed into a really dry tickly cough.

I'm just concerned because I don't normally get coughs and certainly not had one that's not followed a cold.

I did wonder if it could be hayfever related due to the dryness and the fact the pollen is quite high at the moment but I don't normally get a cough with it, although a few years back I did have a cough which they put down to my hayfever and they even considered it might have triggered asthma but that was only happening at night.

Obviously in my head I'm thinking it's something serious and that I've got acute pneumonia or something deadly.

Just wondered if anyone else experienced this?


16-07-15, 17:25
Have you considered lung cancer also? :)

It's most likely allergy or it can be some virus but most likely allergy...it can last for over a month so be prepared for it...

16-07-15, 21:02
Yes Hypo lung cancer was one of the deadly illnesses I had considered. I'm starting to wheeze a bit as well now so thinking it probably is allergy induced. When I had the cough a few years back I was wheezing a lot and that was hayfever.

The joys of allergies, assuming that's what it is.

16-07-15, 21:40
Of course it is...I was joking about lung cancer, guess you figured that out ;)

16-07-15, 22:37
Allergies like hayfever cause histamine production and you get extra mucus production which can affect your, throat, lungs, etc.

Asthma sufferers, like myself, find extra mucus worsens their asthma since its part of the inflammation process.

My hayfever will mean I have cold like symptoms because of this mucus but it's like the start and end of a cold and less of the streaming & headaches.

So, with you mentioning hayfever and how asthma has previously been ruled out, I would suggest it is this. If you have further concerns that it is worsening then they could check for asthma again.

17-07-15, 07:02
Thank you MyNameIsTerry I definitely feel a bit wheezy with it this morning so think I may pay a trip to the GP to get it checked out. It's so humid here at the moment and our pollen levels are very high.

I'm taking all my usual preventative measures but just feels like we need a good downpour/thunderstorm to clear some of the humidity and pollen.

17-07-15, 07:07
Yeah, its gone like that around my way the last couple of days. It's due to rain though for us so hopefully you will get some. A good downpour really sorts the pollen out.

You may not even have asthma, it could just be the effects of the mucus as it will be going down your throat too. If your lungs are inflamming a bit from the allergy, then you will have mucus there too and that could cause asthma like symptoms like you had before since the airways would narrow a bit.

Asthma's nothing to worry about even if it is. I've had it over 30 years and barely ever had a real problem with it, even with the anxiety/panic.

I found that the antihistamines only work well until you go back out into the pollen. The nose sprays are better since you can use them more often. But I found the best treatment by far is infra red. Most years now I barely get hayfever at all even if I don't use it and before I would have some ok years and some bad years.

18-07-15, 09:12
Hi again can I ask where you got the infra red from? I'm actually contemplating going to the walk in centre today as I just keep coughing and I'm wheezing a lot, it's not on my chest I'm not producing any mucus, I'm not breathless it's just after I've coughed I get this horrible wheezing noise and I've just got this constant feeling of something irritating my throat.


18-07-15, 23:30
I got mine from Lloyds Pharmacy years ago but they are in supermarkets too these days or online.

19-07-15, 19:11
Thank you I will look for one :)

19-07-15, 20:07
have u tried sleeping with a electric humidifier next to ur bed that helps lots for throat dry ness and allergys etc

19-07-15, 20:15
Yes I really want one but hubby is dead against it as he said it will make the room damp. I have thought for ages it would help with my allergies as my sinuses are always so dry.

19-07-15, 21:04
That's the best thing for you , if I was u id go buy a top of the range one for about £80-100 and it will soon sort you out 100% they r great

19-07-15, 23:52
Yes I really want one but hubby is dead against it as he said it will make the room damp. I have thought for ages it would help with my allergies as my sinuses are always so dry.

I can't see how they could do that when damp is another cause for worsening breathing conditions, it would be counter productive to make them.