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View Full Version : Newbie (suffering from gad)

16-07-15, 17:20
Hiya everyone! Basically when I was 18 I couldn't stop being sick and I couldn't leave my bedroom. I had no idea what was going on and thought I was dying. I would get into a complete state if I was left on my own. I eventually got to the doctors who diagnosed me with GAD and I was given anti depressants and CBT. This helped me overcome 'bad thoughts' and also the fear of leaving my house. After CBT I never carried on pushing myself but felt mentally a lot better at home, going out with family and friends but I still wouldn't get the train, a job and also wouldn't go far from home if I was on my own due to the fear of being anxious. I'm now 23 and have had a massive set back. I can't even get myself down to the doctors. I need a injection which has been booked in twice but both time I have avoided it. I'm paying for online CBT again which I'm hoping will help again. It feels a lot different this time because I actually know what is wrong with me. I also know the more I avoid things the worse the fear will become etc etc. I moved in October (with my mum). I do think this may have contributed to it being triggered as well because everywhere and everyone is new. My biggest concern is that I've nearly become homebound and I know the only way to go forward is to face the fear but my physical symptoms seems to go through the roof and is scares the living c**p out of me. Also I'm sick of the feeling that I need my mum to come with me everywhere (it makes me feel like I am 5). On top of that I can see that this is all stressing her out then I feel guilty and ashamed. I'm hoping people on here maybe will have some good advice how to mentally and physically over come the avoidance behaviour. Also I hope I can help others who maybe having 'bad thoughts' and/or health anxiety as I managed to over come this side of it.


17-07-15, 08:19
Change your associations around. See being trapped at home like that as being the thing to fear and run from. Because at some point in the future you're going to be living in your own place with a partner etc and may look back at being trapped at home as being something you are so happy to have escaped from.

Don't let it push you all the way back there anymore.