View Full Version : Constant Anxiety

16-07-15, 20:50
I have been dealing with GAD and Panic attacks for a few months now, I have started CBT and am hopeful - but this is so painful- I feel I am constantly dealing feeling sick and that my mind is up against a brick wall focused on some awful nameless event that is going to happen to me- health wise. I know it is not the right way to think but I just am so scared of being stuck like this- I am not on any medication yet - I do have emergency Xanax that I have used but am trying not to and will also start with a Psychiatrist in a few weeks. I hope I can learn something from members here. Thanks

16-07-15, 23:45
Hiya I used CBT in the past and it really helped me. There is a technic called stop. As soon as an anxious or unwanted thought comes into your head you say harshly to yourself STOP and try to replace it with a positive one. You have to be committed to doing it everytime and give it time to but it starts automatically replacing the negative ones. Also try to accept your feeling sick. Just say to yourself 'oh well another symptom of anxiety' and try and get on with your day as normal. I get a lot of physical symptoms and this seems to ease them a little. Also try exercise and mediation daily it helps release the tension in the muscles which will help your physical symptoms long term. Hope this helps you out a little :)