View Full Version : cant take it anymore. symptoms not in my head.

16-07-15, 21:45
Mucus in stool. BLOOD with diahrrea. Weird looking stools. Cancer is all I'm thinking about thinking about now. I'm so scared. I'm depressed and having suicidal thoughts. I can't take it anymore. I'm only 15 and summers not going good because of this. My stools aren't normal. M my mom thinks my "blood" is food. Then after blowing up enough times. I'm told she thinks I'm not sick . But I should see a doctor. I finally got her to admit somethings Wrong. I'm not sure if my mind won't collapse before my doctors appointment in 14 days. Anxiety and death is the only thing on my mind. Life's not enjoyable anymore. I'm convinced I'm dying of cancer in my colon. I have so many symptoms of it. It's horrifying imagining my pre mature death. I'm having meltdowns every day. So yeah... What should I do about this? :(

16-07-15, 21:55
Yeah sure...colon cancer when 15...wanna grab some lottery tickets on the way to doctors office? Bigger chance to get that than to get diagnosed with colon cancer...

16-07-15, 22:01
I know how rare colon cancer is at my age......But it has happened before...

16-07-15, 22:02
And people win lottery too...I just never met anyone sonce it's so rare

16-07-15, 22:12
I know. I get it is rare. But my symptoms aren't just aches and pains. It's actually appearing outside of my body. And that singles up to inflammation in my colon. Or colon cancer . Can't help but think it's colon cancer since I seem to have more symptoms of it then ibd..

16-07-15, 22:39
Ever considered hemorrhoids? Don't know your past with this, but would seem more logical and would cause blood at times..

16-07-15, 22:45
I have to an extent considered them. But I don't think it's them. Because my poop doesn't look to normal either. And the mucus. :/

16-07-15, 22:48
Like above, it's so rare for somebody your age to have it, do you have major weight lost no? Do you have bad stomsch cramps no? You don't have cancer don't worry dude ur 15 and u shud be enjoying urself not worrying about nonsense u can match up 10 symptoms to diff things and can be a sign of cancer doesn't mean it is tho think logical relax chill and enjoy life

16-07-15, 23:01
Inflammtory bowel disease comes to mind as in colitis or chrons which although not nice is not as scary as colon cancer. Of course it might not be inflammatory bowel disease either and could be something like an infection or as has been mentioned piles.

Make a list of your symptoms to take to the Dr so you don't forget anything and they can then if they think necessary send you for tests,

16-07-15, 23:11
Anxiety is not good for your bowel. There is a very strong link between the brain and the bowel and when you are distressed it can cause all kinds of weird symptoms. After your doctor gives you a good check over and maybe runs some tests explain how anxious you are and hopefully he or she will do something about that too.

16-07-15, 23:14
You do get mucus with piles so I wouldn't rule it out on that basis.

16-07-15, 23:20
I don't think I have cramps . I still have pains in my stomach and pelvis area. I haven't lost Weight. And I think I could have an ibd but as long as it can be controlled and isn't life threatening. I wouldn't be as sad to have one. Bloody diarrhea still scared me though.

17-07-15, 16:39
I agree with Countrygirl. I would have said just that.

17-07-15, 16:42
Could be having hemorrhoids, or an anal fissure. They can produce a lot of blood, and no, not just bright red blood, as it is usually propagated, but kind of a darker shade of red as well. Also mucus is common with constipation (so are anal fissures if you're constipated). Ofcourse, blood in stool should never be ignored, so go take a visit to the doctor, they'll ask you questions about your eating habits, bowel movements and stuff, and you might get a physical exam, but it's nothing horrible. But, keep in mind just how statistically unlikely it is that there is anything seriously wrong with you.

17-07-15, 17:03
Thanks for the reply. I'm really worried about the blood still. It says bloody diarrhea Is a bad sign . And I worry I'll die of internal bleeding by my doctors appointment.

17-07-15, 18:49
Have you been eating beetroot or other red coloured food or drink?

17-07-15, 18:51
Yes. I have eaten chunky tomatoes sauce with pasta.

17-07-15, 20:04
Well what you are thinking is blood is probably red food colouring. It has tricked me before.

17-07-15, 21:51
When I had really bad anxiety a few years ago, I used to get mucus and blood in my stools (my stools were hard and were a bit like rabbit droppings!) I used to worry about it all the time but I found as my anxiety got better, my stools would get better and go back to normal and the blood was from hemorrhoids from the hard stools so it could be anxiety. anxiety likes to mess with our bodies!

17-07-15, 22:07
I've had the bowel cancer fear, so I empathise with you.

I had ( and still have) altered bowel habits, mucus, left sided pain and bleeding when I went to the toilet. Although I suffered with constipation rather than diarrrhea. I had a flexi sigmoidoscopy done and I have got diverticular disease...

There are lots of reasons why you could have bloody diarrahea and my automatic thought is colitis, especially at 15. Bowel cancer in someone so young tends to be hereditary and a genetic link somewhere...

Anxiety will cause diarrahea and piles can also cause blood..

Be positive, I know how scary it can be. But Im sure you are absolutely fine x

---------- Post added at 22:07 ---------- Previous post was at 22:02 ----------

Just read you had tomatoes for tea, that can produce reddish looking stools and also ( sorry) but red bits from the undigested skin..

When I had blood in my stool, it was quite clearly blood- no mistake... And I haven't got bowel cancer , just diverticula disease and piles

Hope this helps

19-07-15, 06:11
Thanks for the input everyone. My anxiety has been really making me a mess. Ever since my bloody diarrhea encounter. I don't think I have had blood since then. But I now have diarrhea whenever I go. And now my rectum hurts along with my right abdomen. I wish I would stop getting symptoms. It's killing me. :(