View Full Version : Coping

16-07-15, 22:13
Hi just wanted to ask if anyone has any good coping strategys?
I can't cope with the pain I'm getting anymore its one thing after another I thought I was getting through this!
Please tell me I will get through this an I'm not going tro be like this for rest of my life?

20-07-15, 17:53
Bless you Kim I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time.
I don't know what pain you're getting so coping strategies for the pain would depend what it was! But there are some options out there like heat therapy, TENS machine, massage, medication etc so may be worth talking to your GP.

Being anxious will make us more aware of the pain, things I find helpful in getting through when I'm in pain and anxious :

Positive self talk, become aware of the negative thoughts you're running through your head, write them down and counter the with more positive statements.
so for example...
''I can't cope'' ''this is horrible'' will keep you in a cycle of stress and pain. Try statements like ''I can get through this, the feelings will pass, pain is temporary, there are good things in life''
Maybe google inspirational quotes for some more ideas

Drinking chamomile tea which is noted for being good for nerves

Relaxing essential oils like lavender and neroli can be used in the bath or mixed in with a carrier oil to give massage with

Music that you find relaxing or uplifting

I really hope that you find peace and rest from pain soon