View Full Version : ace inhibitor fear

03-02-07, 04:20
I have high blood pressure and take an ace inhibitor for it, there is a constant
fear that I will have a bad reaction to it, especially in the first hour after I've taken it, even though it's now nine weeks and the side effects are now minimal. Just writing this is bringing on the anxiety symptoms...........also, I cannot check my blood pressure without panicing, last time at the docs, I took
one of my panic pills, which I am also scared of, and it wasn't too bad. She didn't tell me what it was, but didn't change my meds, so can't have been too bad. I'd like to check it myself, but always start to panic, so no point.
Anyone else with a fear of their meds?

04-02-07, 00:05

I know exactly how you feel about taking new (or familiar) pills or medication. I posted a couple of weeks ago about exactly the same thing. I didn't always have this fear - comes and goes depending on how bad my anxiety is at that time. I read and read and read the side effects of the drug, convince myself I'll be either allergic, have anaphalactic shock or simply drop down dead!! It can often take me three of four days before I pluck up the courage to take anything new... (still haven't taken new tablets I was prescribed two weeks ago to help with heart rythm!!)

Like you, I feel a massive wave of panick right after I've taken whatever it is I'm taking, and spend about an hour checking to see if I'm alright!

Nothing horrible has ever happened to me!

I think that this is quite a common 'symptom' of health anxiety - loads of people seem to feel the same. Your doctor wouldn't give you anything she didn't think would help you; and would check out any allergies with you beforehand. Most people are fine on most medication - so I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine with anything prescribed to you.

However - I know exactly how you feel - and if I could take my own advice, I would be a much calmer and healthier person!!!

Good luck!


eddie d
04-02-07, 10:16
i know how you feel .im the same as well .now i dont read the information that comes with thje med .i feel better for it .ive also decided not to take my blood presure until my anxiety goes or drops significantly .this is quite hard but i feel better not doing it .
take care

05-02-07, 04:21
I stopped checking my blood pressure too,but now worry that it will be high at the docs and she'll want to increase the dose. Wish I hadn't read the info with the meds too, won't read any more though. Thanks guys, good to know I'm not the only one.