View Full Version : Any advice for constant anxiety symptoms?

17-07-15, 04:09
I know that this is going to probably a dumb question.. But has anyone been able to stop their anxiety physical symptoms? I've heard you just have to learn to accept them but I'm at a complete lost.. Waking up in panic attacks 4 times a night.. Hearts pounding, headaches, no appetite, can't function at all. And this is 24/7.. Anyone?

17-07-15, 04:52
Is something going on in your life causing extra stress? There's things you can do to help yourself relax, yoga, reading, writing, walking, looking at old pictures etc. anything that gets your mind off yourself. also diet is s huge factor. Sugars have a huge effect on our wellbeing. Too much and you could be waking up at night. Also the bloodlevels raising and dropping adds to your attacks. Eat a well balanced meal and take lots of breaks to escape your own brain and see if that helps. there are also medicines you can take, I prefer L-Theanine but there's valerian, passionflower etc. Hope things get better. we all know how you feel.

18-07-15, 10:26
Hi I have been going through the same thing, its been around 2 weeks and my symptoms are easing. The biggest change for me was reading up on CBT and really giving it a go. I know this sounds impossible and i was in mental torture for days because I was so afraid to feel the panic I was anticipating it every second of the day, but when I learnt not to fear any of the symptoms they have slowly gone a way, my brain is still overwhelmed but the nausea, loss of appetite, pounding heart, gasping and breathlessness has stopped.

I also spent time with my family even if i spent most that time lying on the floor trying to relax, get up and go out even if you feel surreal and horrible, take time off work if you haven't already. i tried to face that head on but it just made me more stressed and overwhelmed. For immediate relief try a guided meditation 'The Honest Guys' on Youtube are really helping me and passion flower seems to calm my mind slightly. For times of intense anxiety try doing some rigorous excerisise just in your home , burpees, running on the spot etc and then lie down and try not to tense your muscles.

Are you doing any safety behaviours? I was trying everything under the sun last week and realised it was only making me worse, the problem is internal and can be improved with the mind and time so try and stop the safety behaviours gradually so that your brain can learn the fear isn't real and symptoms will ease, serotonin will rise and you will feel back to normal.

Hope that helps, i am in the same position as you and I know it will all be over soon for both of us. Stay strong.

18-07-15, 10:31
They seem to come and go , i had a few weeks where i was symptom free but recently i have started getting lightheaded again and slight headache, but i think positive thinking can stop them as we listen too much to our bodies and when we change our thought pattern the symptoms go .

18-07-15, 10:55
I know that this is going to probably a dumb question.. But has anyone been able to stop their anxiety physical symptoms? I've heard you just have to learn to accept them but I'm at a complete lost.. Waking up in panic attacks 4 times a night.. Hearts pounding, headaches, no appetite, can't function at all. And this is 24/7.. Anyone?

With all due respect I would suggest you make a doctors appointment ASAP if you have all these symptoms. 4 panic attacks a night is no laughing matter.

19-07-15, 05:26
I know that this is going to probably a dumb question.. But has anyone been able to stop their anxiety physical symptoms? I've heard you just have to learn to accept them but I'm at a complete lost.. Waking up in panic attacks 4 times a night.. Hearts pounding, headaches, no appetite, can't function at all. And this is 24/7.. Anyone?

Acceptance alone is a "passive" strategy. It's to get you to stop fighting symptoms because you make yourself more anxious. I've read Mindfulness articles where this is called Secondary Pain of which you have more control. Primary Pain being the information sent from parts of the body to be interpreted more automatically e.g. a broken bone.

Methods such as CBT will use acceptance as part of the toolkit.

Methods such as Mindfulness use it as one of the 8 elements but will actually talk you through it in meditations so that you can practice it under guidance and this is shown to activate the required parts of the brain whilst reducing activity in the fear centre.

Acceptance alone works for some but not for others. It tends to be quite prominant in the "guru" sector whereas clinical methods consider an element.

19-07-15, 06:24
I'm going to jump in here and tell you, yes you should see a doctor, but first I would recommend you see a psychologist trained in CBT first, who can refer you to a psychiatrist. If you need to take meds to calm yourself down, so that you can LIVE, then this is what you can and should do....but let me stress....MEDICATION should only be temporary and don't let anyone tell you that you must take meds permanently (unless you are diagnosed bipolar). I have been where you are. It is absolutely hellish, but you will be okay. I am taking meds that stabilized me so that I can now do what it takes to unlearn my anxiety panic. I will eventually come off of these medications. There is hope and there is a cure, but right now focus on getting yourself calmed down. You are not going crazy. You are not dying. You will feel better soon, when you ask for help. A GP usually will not handle your symptoms or diagnosis properly. This is why I strongly suggest a psychologist trained in CBT and Core Beliefs, then a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist can stop these attacks with meds. And then when you are calm, a psychologist can help you understand why this is happening and teach you skills to stop the Panic and the reason for the Panic.