View Full Version : Feel like I've had a breakdown

17-07-15, 10:46
It's been 2 weeks since I apparently reached breaking point and spent the weekend a crying panicky mess in my bedroom unable to go to work over the weekend with severe anxiety and I felt physically ill. I went to my Dr and I've been on citalopram for 12 days. I appreciate that this won't have kicked in yet but what the hell has happened to me?!?! I have experienced anxiety for a number of years and it has got steadily worse over the last 6 months. I have a stressful job as a nurse and there is a lot of pressure on me but I do enjoy it. I've had 2 weeks of work and I just still feel drained of energy. I know some.of this may be side effects of the citalopram too but I just feel drained all the time, anxious all the time, panic attacks particularly over night or when I wake up. I'm only getting a few hours sleep a night. I've started breathing and relaxation exercises to try to help this. I feel sick through the day and I don't have any appetite (I previously loved my.food now I'm forcing it down). I've started a self help cbt course which I'm working through with my partner. I just feel awful because suddenly I can no longer even go to the supermarket without feeling high level if anxiety let alone work. I'm getting frustrated with myself because suddenly everything's changed and I feel like I've fallen of the edge of the anxiety cliff.

When will thus end, I can't work like this and I feel awful for that. I can't look after patients if I can't control myself at the moment. :(

17-07-15, 23:23
Hopefully the medication will kick in and improve how you feel. If not make sure you report back to your doc and try something that does help.