View Full Version : Face twitching, tingling, weird sensations

17-07-15, 14:21
For almost 6 weeks I've had some minor twitching all of my face. A few minutes my nose, a couple seconds my lip, my chin, my eye. It moves. It's not all day. Here and there. Now and then I feel weird sensations. My nose / cheeks feel heavy or numb. My eyebrows will tingle or buzz.

I have twitching elsewhere all over but I've had it in the past and so I ignore it. I've had tingling elsewhere too but if I get it now I also ignore it.

The face symptoms have been scaring me because I've read That's a first symptom of Ms.

My husband has told me and I agree that he's not allowing me to run to the doctors because of my past... I also don't want to go for a myriad of tests myself. I want to focus on other things but my brain is so fixated on my face and All of these symptoms.

Can someone relate? If so - how long has it lasted? Advice?

17-07-15, 17:46

I have been having some issues with facial sensations now for a while, i would say around a year or so.

I have not been to the GP to have mine checked out, but i do have an appointment booked next week as i also have developed a numb portion on my big toe.

The sensations on my face is more like a light spider web feeling or light pins and needles and its only on my left side and on my cheek. Sometimes it does feel a little numb but the sensations always return after a little while.

Ofcourse in the back of my mind i worry about MS or other nasties but im telling myself other more simple things could be the cause, I work from home on a laptop all day and my posture isnt good at all, i also have been going through some Orthodontic treatment so maybe that has aggrivated a nerve.

I'm hoping something like trapped nerves is the cause of mine, i really dont want to be going through test after test, that scares me!

17-07-15, 18:40
Don't worry! When I had really bad stroke anxiety id get weird tingly feeling and numbness on one side of my face! I convinced myself it was a stroke for so long! Turns out it was good old anxiety playing tricks on me.
I find it so easy to reassure other people when they have symptoms but so hard to reassure myself! Gosh anxiety is hard :(

17-07-15, 22:15
I don't want to fuel your anxiety, but it might be worth having a B12 deficiency blood test done. It can cause numbness , tingling and ANXIETY

Maybe it is all down to anxiety, but it could also be a vitamin deficiency causing your symptoms...

16-09-15, 22:25
My doc told me its anxiety,, i get if everyday tinglin twitching in face and it horrible but he says it def anxiety. x