View Full Version : Panic attack or something worse?

17-07-15, 20:12
I have been suffering from panic attacks for the last year or so. I was put on prozac, only to make my anxiety worse, and then switched to a benzo, which has helped with the panic attacks somewhat. I still have high levels of health anxiety, but the crazy panic episodes are fewer, which is all I can ask for right now.

As someone who has asthma and heart arrhythmias in the past, my question is how do you decipher whether it is a panic attack, or perhaps this ONE time, something actually more serious? I know we all think "heart attack" during these episodes, and whenever I am experiencing a panic attack, I TRY to reassure myself that it will go away.... but in the back of my head there is an agonizing voice questioning if this is the one time it is not panic? Should I call someone? Should I go to the hospital?

As always, the symptoms eventually subside (and I seem to be EXHAUSTED the rest of the day- anyone else have this?) But, I'm just worried I will one day brush the symptoms aside as anxiety, and it will be real.

17-07-15, 23:11
I'd think the overwhelming likelihood is that accelerated heart rate is due to a perfectly normal and healthy reason.
Id believe that. It'll lower your anxieties and help in lowering your hear rate.

Easy to say, I know.

18-07-15, 03:39
I think most people with panic attacks fear that "this one" may be different. That's what feeds the fear. Also yes after i have a major panic attack I will be completely exhausted. Even just unrelenting anxiety wears me out.

19-07-15, 14:33
Thank you for your replies. I find it so hard to differentiate between a panic attack and something "Real", even though I've been through so many attacks. I am glad to hear I am not the only one exhausted by this...and yes, the unrelenting anxiety is awful as well. I have also lost quite a bit of weight, which I am attributing to the anxiety.

I am reading a good book by Claire Weekes that is helping a little, I think. Trying to convince myself that I am wasting some of my best years is also helping.

19-07-15, 22:49
Hell, even if you know for certain that you are NOT having a heart attack or whatever, NOTHING will convince you otherwise if you suffer from a severe panic disorder. A single episode may be brought on by something or other but I have suffered for ten years and longer and they have never found a 'trigger'.
SSRIs like Prozac,mcitalopram etc only work in about 50% of people - benzodiazepines are more effective though habit forming. And I couldn't give a damn about a habit as long as I don't ever feel like I am taking my last breath.
Clonazepam (Rivotril) is great not only as recommended as a preventative for epilepsy but also for panic disorder. Since starting on it I have gone from three attacks per week to thee a YEAR. Acute symptoms are best treated with alprazolam - my preferred one is 2mg Xanax or Alplax, the best brands out there. Very fast acting and one is usually enough to stop the symptoms in ten minutes, and my attacks can often last for over half an hour.
CBT helped a LITTLE but acupuncture was a waste of time and money. Absolutely no effect at all. Get the balance between counselling and medications right and then you will find things are better.
I have only just joined here and am looking to find people who also suffers the extent that they think that they are dying. Now. This minute. Imminently. This is my last breath, my last heartbeat, you know? The most terrifying thing and it has dominated my life so much that I haven't really been able to live a proper life now since about 2004.
Suggestions are all good but you have to see what others are doing and if their symptoms match yours, try things out and then see if they work for YOU. Everyone is different.
I hope that you find that it goes away and does nit get progressively worse as it did for me. The fear being fed, that concept was brought up during my CBT therapy. Great, but I KNOW that. It doesn't MATTER because that fear is real at the time and nothing will ever convince you otherwise.
I hope why I have written isn't too negative, but I am now off to find somewhere that I can find another thanatophobic who may be able to drop me some hints I haven't heard of or tried.
I wish everyone, and especially you, all the best and a good recovery. Coz we HAVd to recover, right? It can not last a lifetime, even if it has been over ten years, can it???