View Full Version : New member, same story....

17-07-15, 20:56
Evening guys.

My story starts 3 or 4 weeks ago.

Started getting pains in deep in my biceps, which instantly caused me to worry. Ive never seen myself as a worrier before, but this event kick started a bit of a cycle which I'm sure some of you may relate to.

I slept that night thinking about the pains I had encountered, woke up the next morning, with no pain.

For whatever reason that day I googled the term 'pain in arms' which I now see after reading a few threads here today was one massive mistake. The pain came back as I was waiting for the search results (as bizarre as it seems).

I thought about this pain for days/weeks and every time I thought about it it felt worse.

Roll on to last week, the climax of this whole situation. I was casually getting on with work when all hell let loose in my body. My arms tightened as well as the upper muscles of both legs. This caused me to panic, which resulted in a tight chest and struggling to catch my breath.

Having never had chest pain, I was rushed to the local a&e department for an ECG, heart echo, and chest X-ray, multiple blood tests, as well as 24 hour monitoring in ICU.

I was given the all clear and was told that the pains I had experienced were due to stress and exhaustion. Key point here guys (AT NO POINT DID I FEEL MENTALLY STRESSED OR TIRED!)

It's been three days since I left hospital and every day has been hell, until I found this site.

For the last three days, any slight heart flutter or muscle ache has caused instant worry and asking myself what if the tests were wrong!

I lay here in my bed now writing this with no pain, and no worry. My chest hurt earlier, and I felt gassy much like the last few days so i took some gaviscon. Pain gone. That helped but the fact that I know I'm not the only one suffering from health anxiety is also making me feel better.

I feel there is a light at the end of this vicious cycle. God knows how I ended up so anxious or why, but hopefully you guys can keep me on the straight and healthy narrow from now on.
Thanks for creating a great forum with all the information I needed to help see the light and acknowledge that I have a problem, A MAINTAINABLE, CUREABLE PROBLEM.


17-07-15, 21:15
I'm so sorry you dealt with that. Defiantly sounds like you had a panic attack. :(

I know how hard it is to cope with anxiety and trying not to worry constantly. I give you credit for handling it as well as you have.

God is watching over you and I'll pray for better days for you ahead. :)

17-07-15, 21:44
Thanks Leslie

17-07-15, 22:39
God your ok now tin anxiety sux it's hard :(