View Full Version : Waking up to pains

18-07-15, 07:37
I have had on two separate occasions had my heart checked and both times it has come back clear. Had blood tests, ecg, blood pressure, x rays....Nothing wrong. I was told it could be stress or anxiety related and the other doctor said nothing was wrong.

A number of days ago I was out walking when I suddenly got these sharp stabs, (like as if you got a chip or crisp in your chest) the pains hit 3 to 4 times in one burst then stopped. I was able to walk and continue on my journey. I had no pains in my arms no other discomforts. I sipped some water and was ok after that.

This morning I was woken up by these same sudden pains and have not been able to get back to sleep today since as I have been worrying its a heart attack. I have no other pains or discomforts.

The tiny sharp pains seem to be right in the centre of my chest just above my stomach.

I am currently waiting on getting an ultrasound for investigations into possible gallstones and GERD.

I am concerned that I have something serious. I also have undiagnosed health anxiety and anxiety. I suffer from anemia, migraines and vertigo.

Been stressing out lately, as my life isnt how I would like it to be and I am living with someone who (if I become unwell) isnt supportive but cannot do anything about it because of my shortage of money to move.

It's been really stressful and I am sure its taking its toll on my health. Can you advise me on what you think I may have? Do you have any suggestions on how to improve my health? I am currently on no meds.

Thanks so much


PS: I should also mention, I am 57 and although I am overweight, I have already lost 1 stone and intend to lose the 3 stone I have to lose to get back to the weight I was. I have discussed it with my doctor, and he said I was doing the right thing.

I had done a lot of comfort eating after the break up of relationship and the death of a dearly loved one. I am slowly losing the weight and doing some small gentle exercises. I do not smoke, or drink alcohol. I am a vegetarian.

19-07-15, 07:52
Hi Merle I'm exactly the same as you being getting chest pains for years now and been to get my heart checked so many times Iv lost count and still I obsess over my heart it's horrible thinking your having a heart attack or have heart disease but I think it's definetly the constant stress and adrenalin going round our bodies that cause this, iv suffered with so many weird symptoms on a daily basis because of this anxiety it really gets me down and like you not a lot of people understand, but if youv had your heart tested your in a much better place than most of the country who could have an underlying issue with their heart but you know that yours is healthy condition and although it's hard I know but when you get the pains try and just tell yourself it's the anxiety and it can't hurt me and do some relaxation until it passes, hope your feeling better soon x

19-07-15, 10:07
Hi there Merle,

I think if you'd had a heart attack, you'd feel very off. At the time you likely would have felt very unwell, especially with shortness of breath. People who have silent heart attacks (not the classic crippling chest pain that you'd expect) don't feel the same afterwards- they feel very tired and short of breath afterwards with little to no improvement.

It sounds more likely to me that you were having an episode of reflux or indigestion. As always, if you're especially concerned you should have a word with your doctor, but if it'd happened to me under your circumstances I don't think I'd be especially worried. The fact that you don't smoke or eat meat makes it even less likely as they are two of the primary contributing factors to heart disease (as well as sugar/fats/cholesterol, obviously).

Well done on losing the weight. Best of luck with your continued success. Let us know how you get on!

Take care :)

19-07-15, 16:27
Hi Emily and Kev,

Thanks for your reply. I have had myself checked out and it seems that its all due to anxiety. I got an ecg, blood tests, blood pressure etc done and its all normal.
I am having an ultrasound done in two months on my stomach cos of possible GERD or gallstones. I think since having the other tests done, that its quiet possible that having digestive problems may be due to my anxiety. I have been stressed out since losing a loved one and things have been really bad.

I'm looking into getting help with my anxiety, cos I don't want it to be a constant issue all my life and for it to cause me more serious health issues.

Thanks again Kev and Emily


21-07-15, 09:01
just logged in to check this out as I have been waking with chest pains. In my case I suspect the 'waking with' is the salient factor. I already wear a mouth guard because of teeth grinding and I have noticed that I sometimes wake with my fists clenched (I am going through a very stressful time).

I suspect we are just so tense that it settles in the centre of our chests. Also, make sure you don't hunch over the laptop when you are typing on here! ;) I just tell myself that I am feeling incredibly well of they're heart episodes!

Hugs to anybody who needs one...

21-07-15, 09:09
I tend to wake with chest 'aches' and sometimes pain every day. More so of a week day when I know I have to face getting to work. I'm okay once I am here and settle down. I had a really bad anxious day at work yesterday, although nobody would know, but I had some leftover diazepam from when the Dr gave it me for flying and took one and the symptoms go so I hope that is what it is instead of me worrying about an imminent heart attack. I even chose my clothes these days so that if I have to get carted off in an ambulance, at least they can get to my chest to start resuscitation and always carry aspirin with me - how sad is that?