View Full Version : 6 weeks of feeling unbalanced and dizzy

natalie yog
18-07-15, 15:03
For the last 6 weeks I've been feeling unbalanced when I walk as if I'm walking on a boat but the strange thing is it never happens when I'm outside only when I'm at home ( which really upsets me) or at the shops and when I go to bed or sit down I feel like my body is moving but I never feel this way when I walk out in open spaces.
This also goes along with a sudden drop kind of feeling like I could be watching t.v. or reading and suddenly for a split second I feel like my head and neck want to drop but I recover as soon as it happens.
I've been to my doctor who has put me on 40mg twice a day thinking my dizziness could have something to do with my quick heartbeat and I've just received fly had my eyes tested and was given the all clear on any health issues there. But of course in my head I've got several deadly illnesses that are causing this and all these drown out my logical voice telling me that if it were something serious something would've happened by now.
So right now I think of nothing but this 24hrs a day. It keeps me awake at night and when I do finally sleep it's the first thought that greets me when I wake up.
I feel very alone right now and a burden on my family who are very supportive.

18-07-15, 15:10
i had this sorta feeling when i had a injury at work and had a month off but used to happen when i went outside, Like feel like everythin is swaying and everything is all spaced out and dizzy like as if it didnt seem real to be walking about like autopilot , for me it must of been anxiety lol as soon went after few weeks

18-07-15, 15:35
Sounds like labrynthitis ... An imbalance in the ear causing dizziness and balance issues.. Will pass on its own can last for weeks

natalie yog
18-07-15, 16:14
Thanks for your replies. When it first happened it really freaked me out because I thought the worst but after seeing how many people on this forum that have been through the same thing makes me feel less alone.