View Full Version : Health worry taking over..Advice?

18-07-15, 15:12
I've always had anxiety but it's only recently turned into HA, ongoing pelvic pains and trips to the doctors which have been inconclusive led me into a state of panic.
The pain which I can only describe as in my left ovary has been on going for 5 months and i've been on a cocktail of antibiotics for about 3 weeks despite negative cultures and no blood tests being done. Had a pelvic ultrasound that was all clear but I have recently noticed two hard lymph nodes either side of my pubic bone and these have sent me into a frenzy. I also have splinter haemorrhages on 8 on my fingernails (which I shouldn't have googled:unsure:)

Got a doctors appointment on Tuesday anyway to see if these antibiotics are making much of a difference (as i had an inflamed cervix and discharge...TMI sorry) so I will discuss with the GP then but I need something to distract me until then as I am a 22 year old uni student currently on summer break with too much time on my hands!

What does everyone else do to distract themselves? :weep:

18-07-15, 16:24
Hi Hollie,

As a male, I can't say I've experienced the same symptoms :blush:

However, I am in the same boat as you (I'm 23 and have just finished my final year at Uni as of May) in terms of noticing 'abnormalities' on every area of my body including lumps around the lower abdominal area, vision problems and bruising etc.

Also Googled my symptoms which I shouldn't have done. :doh:

I am also trying to distract myself at the moment, reading books on health anxiety and frequenting the gym for the first time in my life. I joined the gym for this reason only and it seems to be helping so that might be worth a try.

Good luck. :yesyes:

18-07-15, 17:17
its horrible how anxiety takes hold of yourself, And worse thing in the world is google i didnt understand the meaning of lymph nodes till google, but once u find them u feel them and try and assess them yourself as a doctor would and allways feels abnormal to ourself , and then we worry that we cud have cancer near by and our nodes are large, and then we panic and go in fight mode beating fast heart etc haha its horrible