View Full Version : Worried about cancer or infections

19-07-15, 01:53
Hey all

I'm a bit scared and want some help or advice.

For the past few months I have been vomiting randomly. It finallyscared me so I went to a gastro who prescribed me a month of Omeprazole twice a day. This seemed to work so we didn't do the endoscopy and continued with the treatment but cutting down the dosage to once a day.

However, I am currently on vacation and am freaking out. I have been vomiting most days, randomly, my stomach has been hurting on and off for the past few days, and I feel like I have weird flu like symptoms (body weakness, cold sweats, overall fatigue) and I of course jump to the theory that I have either bowel, stomach, colon or any other digestive cancer.

The other thing I noticed while on vacation is that i can feel lymph nodes on both sides of the base of my neck/collarbone region. Which is linked to stomach cancer. I know the answer is to go to the doctor (which I plan on doing ASAP when I get back home - on Tuesday) but until then idk if this warrants a trip to the ER or if I'm overreacting.

I just want to hear if anyone else has these symptoms due to anxiety. Also does anyone know if I would have possible lymph nodes on BOTH sides of the collarbone? When I feel them I can't tell if they're lymph nodes or this long Muscle thing but I'm freaking out.
Any help is much much much appreciated