View Full Version : 1am and too scared to sleep

natalie yog
19-07-15, 02:10
It's going on 2am and I'm laying in bed awake and too scared to sleep. Anytime I close my eyes I feel like like my eyes are rolling around and my bed feels like it's floating on water. I feel so angry at myself for this I've been to the doctor tells me I have nothing seriously wrong with me and had my eyes seen to by the optician who was kind enough to listen to me go on about my fears and tell me that he could not find anything dangerously wrong with my eyes (he said athat a couple of months ago he found one of his patients had a tumour growing).
But of course my messed up head can't rationally think these things through and makes me think that my eyes are going to roll back and never come down or that maybe within these 24hrs of being to the optician something sinister has already grown so quickly that I know the rational side of me is saying stop being an idiot and that it's medically impossible for that to happen. But we all know that with anxiety things aren't that simple and now I fear that I'll be facing yet another sleepless night feeling like I'm the only person in the world feeling like this.

19-07-15, 02:38
Hello. I'm Nadine. I really feel for you. I haven't experienced what you are going through, but I can sympathise.
I hope that while you are awake that you do something that interests you and even makes you laugh. When I can't sleep, sometimes I enjoy watching comedians.

19-07-15, 03:51
Well it is now nearly 4am and I have had no sleep whatsoever so have given up for tonight and have been doing some work on my computer and watching TV. I feel the more you try to go to sleep the worse it becomes so I just give in to the situation. Will probably sleep tomorrow afternoon-who knows.