View Full Version : left arm pain tension or something worse really stressed

19-07-15, 03:51
Hi there I have had a lot of stress recently. I went out for a coffee today with my mum and my sister (my sister I dont see often) it was quite a strong coffee. Anyway my sister and I dont get on well and all day the tension I was feeling towards her built up all day I know that when I am tense I hold my arms like a claw tensing myself. Later on this evening I had a massive fall out with my sister at my mums house. I went home and had a rant for an hour shouting at God. I then went to bed and woke up 30 minutes ago and i am getting this cramp like pain in my left arm near the bottom of my arm and my wrist but it is sore when I am typing this and a wee bit sore when I am moving it. I keep on imagining a heart attack but my pulse is normal and no other symptoms than this random pain. Is it normal to get this type of pain when stressed and anxious? I have done well so far tonight and not googled.

19-07-15, 04:06
Yep def tension