View Full Version : I think I might have Gerd- but now worried about Easopheagus :(

19-07-15, 06:03
I haven't been diagnosed with Gerd but I've suffered with symptoms for years which were never severe like now. I took Zantac usually for a day and then I'd be fine.

For the last 2 weeks I've had constant indigestion, nausea, chest pain and my stomach is tender to touch.

I'm in a complete panic thinking because I haven't properly treated it and addressed it that my Easopheagus is severely damaged to the point I've now developed pre cancer or that I've got erosions from the acid. I can't sleep at night :(

I've been severely stressed since December due to other reasons. I'm 25.

I'd appreciate any replies. Thanks

19-07-15, 09:38
if your 25 you havent got to worry about it , Yet, just improve on ur diet, and then things will get better, everyone has bad acid turns sometimes, i am 26 and i worried the same as u are now, And worried about barrats, etc but the doctor said its basically impossible to have it at this young age, Even if u was to smoke 60 a day drink alchol everyday since 16 and be bulimic you wouldnt have it it happens over 10s of years more likely to happen 60 plus

19-07-15, 10:02
I was the same - constant vague heartburn, reflux and indigestion for 10 years... Smelling bacon cooking would even set me off and bananas or baked beans made me wince from the heart burn.

After years of treating it with PPI's I finally requested a gastroscopy as I was CONVINCED it'd at least be Barrets Esophagus due to the severity and amount of time if been suffering...

Had the gastroscopy and there wasn't even a minimal sign of erosion - all they found was a slight hiatal hernia!!

Now without the anxiety of something sinister, I've began chewing my food a bit more and eating slower and it's improved greatly...

I don't even take the PPIs any more!

Granted, a few days of eating rubbish or drinking too much alcohol will make it a bit irritated, but once it settles it's fine :)

19-07-15, 11:21
Thanks so much for the replies, both made me feel a lot less anxious.

I guess I'm assuming I have gerd, just basing it on my symptoms. But thanks again for the reassurance, I'm glad I asked.

20-07-15, 10:43
this was a worry of mine last month. I had got my myself in to such a state. I had nearly the same symptoms as you. I had acid reflux and stomach pains in the morning. I had convinced mine had progressed to worse and I had cancer everywhere. I thought I had every symptom. I am under a good gastroenterologist, he knew what the problem was but I was in such a state he did an endoscopy for me any way. He was right it was GERD and I had a tiny hernia. NOTHING BAD. NO EROSION im 30.

If your very worried go to see your gp again and if your not under a specialist I would see if you can see one, just to put your mind at ease I am the same as the other people as soon as I found out it was all ok I don't even take the tablets anymore because I don't have that much trouble.

---------- Post added at 13:43 ---------- Previous post was at 13:41 ----------

sorry I was going to say that improving your diet, put more vegetables in it and cutting out on fizzy drinks, this is the worst one for me wil make you feel a lot better

20-07-15, 14:41
Donna - thanks for your msg. Yes I'm going to ask my gp for a referral. Honestly I think an endoscopy will be the only thing that will help at this point. It's like I need to know what's going on in there.

Today I was thinking back as to what might have caused this horrible flare up and I realized that for the last 2 months I've laid down straight after meals numerous times and sometimes even had a snack half laying down. I suffer from dermatitis in my groin/private area and was treating a severe flare up during this time and the only comfortable position was laying down. Plus I've had a severe anxiety. I now realise it's bad to eat like that but that never crossed my mind all this time due to how much discomfort I was in from the dermatitis. I feel so stupid.

Could I have weakened the LES and if so is this permanent? Have I given myself Gerd? I use to suffer intermittent acid reflux but the last 2 weeks it's constant. I'm so worried I've self induced this :( sorry if I've ranted

20-07-15, 20:04
You don't have anything to worry about. Your symptoms are common GERD and lying down too soon after eating is a CLASSIC cause of your symptoms... Everyone gets GERD in the right situations.

You then irritate your stomach and it takes a few weeks for it to calm down.

You don't get esophagal cancer at your age. You haven't permanently weakened anything.

Your anxiety is flaring up and you are being irrational.

Endoscopy isn't needed, your just prolonging your anxiety, cut it off at the head.